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草原深处金莲花开朵朵香,弹指一挥间,今年5月1日是内蒙古自治区成立60周年的日子。60年里,内蒙古文化战线中有许多默默无闻的工作者,就像草原深处的朵朵金莲花,在风雪雨露里任枝叶顺意舒展,在泥土的博爱与深情中自由欢腾,一簇簇、一丛丛,肆意地盛开,灿烂地绽放,昂立于自己的一片天地中,默默地散发着属于自己的一份馨香。 In the deep steppe of the grassland, the lotus flower blossoms its way. On May 1, this year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In the past 60 years, there are many unknown workers in the cultural fronts of Inner Mongolia. As the blossoming lotus flower in the deep grassland stretches favorably in the snow and rain, enjoying freedom in the love and affection of the soil. A bunch of clumps, wanton bloom, brilliant bloom, Angie in their own world, silently exudes a piece of their own fragrance.
本文对湖北省1991年疟疾流行情况作了具体分析,发病8614例,发病率1.95/万,与1990年相比下降7.56%,31个县市发病上升。 This article made a detailed analysis of the epide
同煤集团同家梁矿安监站主任工程师、共产党员闫玉,坚持25载义务赡养邻里孤寡老人,不是亲人胜亲人,被街坊邻里传为佳话。 Yan Tong, director of Tongling Coal Mine Safety