特区要腾飞 宣传要跟上——访中共海南省委书记邓鸿勋

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从1988年海南正式建省成为中国最大的经济特区,到最近国务院批准海南吸收外资开发洋浦,海南这片热土日益成为众所瞩目的焦点。在全国七届人大五次会议召开期间,我来到海南省代表团下榻的北京饭店,访问了中共海南省委书记邓鸿勋。话题从今年年初中共海南省一届五次全会扩大会上提出的“大宣传”的口号说起。“今年是海南省继续打好基础,开始实现腾飞的非常关键的一年,我们提出了大改革、大开放、大宣传的口号。”邓鸿勋兴致勃勃地告诉记者,建省4年来,海南目前已具备了 Since 1988, Hainan Province officially became the largest special economic zone in China. Recently, the State Council approved Hainan Province to absorb foreign capital to develop Yangpu. This hot spot in Hainan Province has become the focus of attention. During the Fifth Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress, I came to the Beijing Hotel where the Hainan delegation stayed and interviewed Deng Hongxun, secretary of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee. The topic begins with the slogan of “big propaganda” put forward at the enlarged meeting of the 5th plenary session of the CPC’s Hainan Province earlier this year. “This year marks a very crucial year for Hainan Province to continue laying a solid foundation and begin to take off so far. We have put forward the slogan of major reform, opening up and big propaganda.” Deng Hongxun happily told reporters that Hainan Province has now Have it
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