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近年来,电动车的购买量一直在上升,去年仅美国市场的年同比增长率达到37%;而在中国,2016年新能源汽车总产量达到518,582辆,同比增长38.8%,纯电动占比81.9%,插电式混合动力占比18.1%。有预计指出,截至2022年,电动车的使用率将大幅提升,届时电动车的预计成本将与内燃机机动车持平。然而,这些估计基于的假定是,现有的锂离子电池仍然将是电动车的主要电力来源。以特斯拉为代表的电动汽车已经进入人们的生活,但这一速度是否能够加 In recent years, purchases of electric vehicles have been on the rise. Last year, the U.S. market alone saw a year-on-year growth rate of 37%. In China, the total output of new energy vehicles reached 518,582 units in 2016, an increase of 38.8% over the same period of the previous year while that of pure electric vehicles accounted for 81.9% %, Plug-in hybrid accounted for 18.1%. It is estimated that the utilization of electric vehicles will increase substantially by 2022, and the estimated cost of electric vehicles will be at the same level as that of internal combustion vehicles. However, these estimates are based on the assumption that existing lithium-ion batteries will still be the main source of electricity for electric vehicles. Electric vehicles represented by Tesla have entered the lives of people, but whether this speed can add
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It is believed that steels are still the most important materials for automobile in the foreseeable future because of the advantages in performance,cost,toleran
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