
来源 :中国钢笔书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whitewolfwv7
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数日繁忙,一朝喧闹,首届“中钢书法艺术节”系列活动在金色杭城落下帷幕。这是一个纯粹的书法舞台,这是一个数千万硬书人展示才华的舞台。正若旧时观榜的寒窗学子一般,当两项展赛评审刚刚结束,有些作者就已翘首期盼,见榜单,期证书;捧着证书,盼作品集;而作品集正邮寄之时,他们又等之不及。诸多问题,这般心情,作为主办方,我们应当理解,也必须理解。期间有误会、有摩擦,但是,通过沟通, A few days of busy, once noisy, the first “China Steel Calligraphy Festival ” series of activities in the Golden Dragon came to an end. This is a pure stage of calligraphy, a stage where tens of millions of hard-wired bookmakers display their talents. Just as the old viewers of the cold window students in general, when the two exhibition competition review just ended, some authors have been eagerly looking forward to see the list, the certificate; holding the certificate, looking forward to the album; and the collection is being mailed, They can not wait anymore. Many problems, such feelings, as the organizers, we should understand, must also be understood. During the misunderstanding, there is friction, however, through communication,
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一九五五年春節即將到來。遵照中央內務部通知的精神,本府對春節期间的擁軍優屬工作,特通知如下: 各地可根據當地具體情况和羣衆過去的習慣,進行各種擁军优屬活動。在廣大農
李铁岭河南开封市人,毕业于河南大学艺术系,中央党校领导科学研究会理事、中央电视台专职画家,荣宝斋画院程大利山水画工作室画家。 Li Tieling Kaifeng City, Henan Provin
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