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4月11日是个特殊的日子。从1997年开始,每年的4月11日被确定为“世界帕金森病日”(World Parkinson’s Disease Day)。因为这一天是帕金森病的发现者英国内科医生詹姆斯·帕金森博士的生日。帕金森病对于很多人来说,是个既陌生又可怕的字眼,一旦患了这个病,就像被判了无期徒刑。而目前,还没有完全治愈此病的办法,许多患者就此背上精神包袱,再加上对此病了解不够,许多患者及家属陷入了误区中……数学家陈景润、拳王阿里、政治家阿拉法特和著名影星J·福克斯等都曾被帕金森病困扰。目前由于我国逐渐进入老龄化社会,老人的数量在逐步增加,老年人中发生帕金森病这一神经功能障碍疾病的人也在逐步增多。根据调查,我国帕金森病的发病率和西方国家相比较低,55岁以上的人群中患病率为10.7‰,另外,年龄越大患病率越高,75岁以上人群的帕金森病患病率达到了25‰以上。我国约有700万病人,总数并不少。帕金森病在发病的10到15年内可以导致病人尤其是老年病人明显残障,由此造成了巨大的经济和社会负担。遗憾的是,调查中还发现,北京、上海和西安三个地区有47.6%的帕金森病人,从来没有因为这个病前去医院就医。 April 11 is a special day. Since 1997, April 11 of each year has been identified as World Parkinson’s Disease Day. Because this day is the birthday of Dr. James Parkinson, a British physician discoverer of Parkinson’s disease. For many people, Parkinson’s disease is both a strange and terrible word, and once you have the disease, you are sentenced to life imprisonment. At present, there is no way to completely cure the disease, many patients carry the burden of the spirit on this, coupled with inadequate understanding of the disease, many patients and their families into a misunderstanding ... ... mathematician Chen Jingrun, Ali Muhammad, politicians Allah Both Fateh and famous movie star J Fox have been plagued by Parkinson’s disease. At present, as China gradually enters an aging society, the number of elderly people is gradually increasing. People with Parkinson’s disease, a neurological dysfunction in the elderly, are also gradually increasing. According to the survey, the incidence of Parkinson’s disease in our country is lower than that in western countries, and the prevalence rate is 10.7 ‰ in people over 55 years old. In addition, the higher the prevalence is, the higher the incidence of Parkinson’s disease in people over 75 years old The rate of more than 25 ‰. There are about 7 million patients in our country, and the total number is not small. Parkinson’s disease can cause significant disability in patients, especially elderly patients, within 10 to 15 years of onset, resulting in a significant economic and social burden. Unfortunately, the survey also found that 47.6% of Parkinson’s patients in three districts of Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an never went to the hospital for medical treatment.
教学目标学写简明的演讲稿,了解演讲稿的文体特点和写演讲稿的基本方法与规律。培养围绕主题选择、处理资料的能力,提高安排、组织写作素材的能力。 Teaching objectives Le