Development and Application of Intelligent Prediction Software for Broken Rock Zone Thickness of Dri

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lin2009888
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In order to seek the economical, practical and effective method of obtaining the thickness of broken rock zone, an emerging intelligent prediction method with adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) was introduced into the thickness prediction. And the software with functions of creating and applying prediction systems was devel- oped on the platform of MATLAB6.5. The software was used to predict the broken rock zone thickness of drifts at Li- angbei coal mine, Xinlong Company of Coal Industry in Xuchang city of Henan province. The results show that the predicted values accord well with the in situ measured ones. Thereby the validity of the software is validated and it provides a new approach to obtaining the broken zone thickness. In order to seek the economical, practical and effective method of obtaining the thickness of broken rock zone, an emerging intelligent prediction method with adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) was introduced into the thickness prediction. And the software with functions of creating and applying prediction systems was devel- oped on the platform of MATLAB 6.5. The software was used to predict the broken rock zone thickness of drifts at Li- angbei coal mine, Xinlong Company of Coal Industry in Xuchang city of Henan province. The results show that the predicted values ​​accord well the with in the in situ measured ones.
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