Mid-infrared upconversion imaging using femtosecond pulses

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mathsboy
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Mid-infrared (mid-IR) imaging and spectroscopic techniques have been rapidly evolving in recent years, primarily due to a multitude of applications within diverse fields such as biomedical imaging, chemical sensing, and food quality inspection. Mid-IR upconversion detection is a promising tool for exploiting some of these applications. In this paper, various characteristics of mid-IR upconversion imaging in the femtosecond regime are investigated using a 4f imaging setup. A fraction of the 100 fs, 80 MHz output from a Ti:sapphire laser is used to synchronously pump an optical parametric oscillator, generating 200 fs mid-IR pulses tunable across the 2.7–4.0 μm wavelength range. The signal-carrying mid-IR pulses are detected by upconversion with the remaining fraction of the original pump beam inside a bulk LiNbO3 crystal, generating an upconverted field in the visible/near-IR range, enabling silicon-based CCD detection. Using the same pump source for generation and detection ensures temporal overlap of pulses inside the nonlinear crystal used for upconversion, thus resulting in high conversion efficiency even in a single-pass configuration. A theory is developed to calculate relevant acceptance parameters, considering the large spectral bandwidths and the reduced interaction length due to group velocity mismatch, both associated with ultrashort pulses. Furthermore, the resolution of this ultrashort-pulsed upconversion imaging system is described. It is demonstrated that the increase in acceptance bandwidth leads to increased blurring in the upconverted images. The presented theory is consistent with experimental observations.
我们在空心阴极锡激光器中观察到SnII跃迁的五条激光振荡线(579.9,654.4,719.1, 1061, 1074亳微米)及SnI跃迁的四条红外振荡线(1193, 1302, 1346, 1361亳微米),锡蒸汽完全由放电溅射所产生。除运转于连续方式的SnII的645.4亳微米振荡线以外,激射作用均发生于放电的余辉阶段。我们认为是锡离子与低能电子碰撞所引起的复合及粒子数再分布过程产生了这种余辉中的粒子数反转。
宽发射面激光二极管作为泵浦源在全固态激光器中得到了广泛的应用, 但由于快慢轴发散角太大和发光面的不对称, 所以需要对其进行光束整形。针对发光面为1 μm(快轴)×200 μm(慢轴)且远场光斑为矩形光斑的宽发射面激光二极管, 分析了输出光束在平行于p-n结方向上光场(侧模)的多光丝分布特性。通过在ZEMAX非序列里, 设置合理的光丝间隔、尺寸和以纵模为间隔的多个波长, 模拟了与实际相符的远场光斑。利用圆柱透镜压缩激光二极管快轴发散角, 再用自聚焦透镜进行聚焦, 最后在离自聚焦透镜后端面1.8 mm处得到快
随着医学光声成像和荧光探测技术的迅速发展,波长为1197 nm的激光光源,特别是拉曼激光器受到了人们的关注。但目前1197 nm拉曼激光器存在的主要问题是输出能量低、稳定性较差等。为此提出了一种结构紧凑、高效率、大能量拉曼激光器的设计方案和原型样机制备。当300 mJ的1064 nm激光注入到腔外的硝酸钡晶体时,可获得能量为137 mJ、脉宽为7.4 ns的1197 nm激光输出,拉曼转换效率最高达到46.6%,1 h内能量稳定度为0.48%。该样机的输出特性优良,已成功用于医学光声成像,具备良好的产业化
研究了梯形四能级冷原子系统的非线性光学行为, 在一微波场耦合两上简并能级时双暗态共振将会出现。在合适的参数条件下, 系统将表现出正常色散与反常色散之间的转变。改变耦合场和微波场的大小能够调控慢光和超光速间的转变。