
来源 :中国比较医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linebarrel2
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目的观察不同牙刷及牙擦巾对牙龈损伤的程度。方法将普通尼龙牙刷、硅胶牙刷和牙擦巾分别在兔牙龈刷擦50次后,立即取材,福尔马林固定,石蜡切片,HE染色,光镜观察。结果正常对照组龈粘膜结构清楚,角化层厚薄一致,无损伤变化;普通尼龙牙刷组角化层明显松懈变薄,棘细胞表层轻度损伤;硅胶牙刷组角化层变薄松散,部分棘细胞脱离;牙擦巾组牙龈粘膜皱襞结构明显,部分角化层厚薄不均,无松散改变。结论牙擦巾和硅胶牙刷对牙龈损伤极小,均优于普通牙刷;牙擦巾又略优于硅胶牙刷。 Objective To observe the degree of gingival injuries caused by different toothbrushes and dental wipes. Methods The common nylon toothbrush, silicone toothbrush and dental wipe were swabbed in the gums of rabbits for 50 times respectively, and then immediately taken, formalin fixed, paraffin section, HE staining and light microscopy. Results The structure of gingival mucosa in normal control group was clear, the thickness of keratinized layer was consistent and no damage was found. In normal nylon toothbrush group, the keratinized layer became thinner and thinner, and the surface of spinous cells slightly damaged. Cell detachment; tooth wipe group gingival mucosa fold structure is obvious, part of keratinized layer thickness uneven, no loose change. Conclusion Dental wipes and silicone toothbrush have minimal damage to gingiva, which are better than ordinary toothbrush.
一、激趣引题师:今天老师给同学们讲一个谜语故事:传说古时候,一场大雨阻隔了四个路人。四人便躲在路边的一座破庙里避雨。雨停后,正待继续赶 First, the interesting quest
一天,我正在整理东西时,徐军兴高采烈地跑过来对我说:“老师,我画画好了,你看看吧。”由于正忙着做自己的事,我只是随意地看了一眼,顺口问了一 One day I was finishing thi
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贺莉明老师:在座的各位领导、各位教师,大家下午好。首先,请允许我代表太航学校的青年教师欢迎侯老师的光临和指导。 He Liming Teacher: All the leaders here, teachers,
教师是否能根据幼儿的学习情况和能力水平进行有针对性的指导,展示个别性教育的特点,是我们教师开展区域活动必须解决的问 Whether teachers can give targeted guidance ac
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摘要:本文阐述了小学数学教学要紧贴学生生活,引入生活实例,激发学生兴趣,提高教学效率,让生活成为数学学习的来源和目的。  关键词:生活 兴趣 数学 效率    小学数学教学不仅要让学生获得必需的数学知识和技能,而且要让学生在实践中能够灵活运用。小学生年龄小、注意力难以长时间集中等弱点,使他们在学习数学知识时缺乏思考问题的耐心;但儿童的好奇心强、想象力丰富等特点又决定了他们对生动形象的事物感兴趣。因