China's Wealth:First NationalEconomic Census

来源 :China Today | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenweili73924
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“When I first arrived in Beijing, I felt China was already a developed country.” This was American traveler Bob’s first impression of China. But as he found out, first impressions aren’t always true. “When I saw western China, I got confused; the economic situation there is completely different from that of the capital. I really wonder what the true state of the Chinese economy is.” Bob is not alone.The Chinese economy has become the subject of much global debate. In 2004, the Chinese central government carried out a national economic census covering Chinese business and industry. Its aim was to collect a comprehensive range of accurate economic data in order to get a clearer picture of the country’s economic makeup. “When I first arrived in Beijing, I felt China was already a developed country. ” This was American traveler Bob’s first impression of China. But as he found out, first impressions are not always true. “When I saw western China, I got confused; the economic situation there is completely different from that of the capital. I really wonder what the true state of the Chinese economy is. ”Bob is not alone. The Chinese economy has become the subject of much global debate In 2004, the Chinese central government carried out a national economic census covering Chinese business and industry. Its aim was to collect a comprehensive range of accurate economic data in order to get a clearer picture of the country’s economic makeup.
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