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1941年深秋,落叶飘零,寒气降临山区。 一天下午,鄂东大悟山下婉蜒崎驱的山道上,响起“得得”的马蹄声.这蹄声愈来愈近,一匹雪白战马箭似的冲出山幼。马背上骑着一位年龄不足30的指挥员.他面貌英俊,双目生辉,腰后那支柏朗宁手枪随着战马的掖簸上下跳动,更增添了几分英气. 他名叫冯仁思,是新四军第五师第二纵队副司令员,今日奉师长兼政委李先念之命去大悟山白果树湾五师司令部驻地报到,然后到重建的第13旅38团任团长。 战马涉越滚子河,穿过新屋皈,来到村头有三棵白果树的瓦屋前止步。冯仁恩跳下马背,疾步朝黑添房门走去。他喊了一声“报告”,前脚刚进房门,就被里面的李先念发现了。 “你是不是在广应公路上留下部队打仗了?” 这突如其来的问话,使冯仁恩惊呆了:他怎么知道了?! “你为什么不请示,不报告,擅自作主?” 李先念态度严肃,脸色铁膏,继续追问.冯仁恩被问得张口结舌,一时不知如何回答才好。他双手下垂立在那里暗想:莫非朱坊作战失利,部队遭到重大损失?果真是这样,我冯某就犯了大错误,成了罪人.如不是,李师长不会那样生气。于是,他想变被动为主动,啼哺地说: “师长,我犯错误了。” “你是有错误,错误还不小哩!”李先念的脸面仍绷得紧紧的。 “首长给什么处分我都接受,只怕是挽回不了损失.”冯? Autumn in 1941, falling leaves, cold mountain. One afternoon afternoon, the great mountain in eastern Hubei Wanqian Qi drive off the Hill Road, sounded “get” the sound of the hoof.This hoof sound is getting closer and closer, a snow white and white arrow out of the mountain young. Riding a horseback on the age of less than 30 commanders, he looks handsome, his eyes glittering, behind the support of the Bolang Ning pistol up and down with the bumpy up and down the horse, adding a bit more British. Feng Rensi, the commander of the second column of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army, commanded today at the headquarters of Commander Li Xiannian of the commander-in-chief and political commissar of the New Fourth Army to report to the station headquarters of the Fifth Division of Baiguoshu Bay in Dawu Mountain and then head of the 38th Corps of the 13th Brigade to be rebuilt. Fighting horse Rolling river, through the new house converted to the village head of three white fruit tree tile stop. Fengren grace jumped back, walked quickly toward the black Tim room door. He shouted a “report”, the front foot just entered the door, it was discovered inside the Li Xiannian. “Did you leave a force on Broadway?” Suddenly, he asked questions: How did he know ?! “Why do not you ask for instructions, do not report, presiding over?” Li Xiannian serious attitude, his face anointing, continue to questioning .Feng Rengen was asked blunt, sometimes I do not know how to answer. His hands clasped there standing secretly: Is it Zhufang defeat, the troops suffered heavy losses? If so, I Fengmou made a big mistake, became a sinner .If not, the teacher will not be so angry. So, he wanted to become passive and active, complacent to say: “Teacher, I made a mistake.” “You are wrong, the error is not small miles!” Li Xiannian’s face is still stretched tight. “What punishment do I receive, I’m afraid it can not save the loss.” Feng?
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