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为了适应信息时代的要求,加速培养学生获取新信息、加工应用新信息的能力,在高中化学教学中,我尝试进行处理化学信息教学模式的研究。一、理论依据及其模式构建根据信息论、系统论原理,教学媒体是教学系统中的物质要素,化学教学媒体是化学教学系统中的重要 In order to meet the requirements of the information age and accelerate the ability of students to acquire new information and process new information, I have tried to deal with the teaching mode of chemical information in high school chemistry teaching. First, the theoretical basis and its model construction According to the theory of information theory, system theory, teaching media is a material element in the teaching system, chemistry teaching media is an important teaching system in chemistry
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1.题目 初中《代数》第三册78页第1(6)题是:解方程((x~2-1)/x)~2+7/2(x~2-1)/x+3=0。(1) 解:设(x~2-1)/x=y,于是原方程变形为y~2+ 1. Title Junior middle school “Algebr
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