Guest Editors' Words

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinlangui
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For this Special Issue we have endeavored to compile a set of papers that carry a coherent message to the readership of China&World Economy.The work builds upon and seeks to extend two recent topics of debate in China.First,we recognize and add to the literature on tightening labor markets,rising wage rates and the emergence of a new era in China’s economic development.Second,we contribute to the debate on the seriousness of inequality inChina.This set of papers has three sub-themes.In the first paper,we draw on a large national representative set of data,which helps to set the scene for the rest of the Special Issue. For this Special Issue we have endeavored to compile a set of papers that carry a coherent message to the readership of China & World Economy. Work builds upon and seeks to extend two recent topics of debate in China. First, we recognize and add to the literature on tightening labor markets, rising wage rates and the emergence of a new era in China’s economic development. Second, we contribute to the debate on the seriousness of inequality in China. This set of papers has three sub- themes. In the first paper, we draw on a large national representative set of data, which helps to set the scene for the rest of the Special Issue.
搞革新,路子只有一条,那就是根据党和毛主席所指引的方向,奋发图强,自力更生,不靠天,不靠地,靠咱们工人阶级的革命志气,靠集体力量。打碎两个“金箍咒” 突破“框框”搞革新
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