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杨志刚,藏族,现任西藏高原大气环境科学研究所所长兼自治区遥感应用研究中心副主任。1986年7月毕业于南京气象学院天气动力专业;1987年9月到自治区气象台工作;1994年5月至1995年8月任自治区气象台副台长;1997年3月评为新技术开发高级工程师。青藏高原号称世界第三极,因其独特的地理因素和气候特征而对其下游乃至全球的气候变化产生重大影响,高原气象研究尤为重要。杨志刚作为西藏自治区气象部门改革开放后的第一代藏族大学生,长期在气象科学研究和卫星遥感应用领域,特别是气象为西藏农牧业生产和国民经济发展艘务等方面刻苦钻研。他自1989年开始先后在全区气象部门推广计算机的应用;引进、消化和推广计算机地面报表系统;研制了气象资料信息在我区PC-1500机录入测报软件;完成了地面、探空报农在我区的改进、优化和实验等项目的研究,弥补了区内气象基础业务的不足。在自治区气象台站人才、技术缺乏的情况下,主动承担了培养人才,引进、推广新技术的任务,先后深入昌都、日喀则、那曲、山南等地,行程近万里,举 Yang Zhigang, Tibetan, currently director of the Tibetan Plateau Institute of Atmospheric Environment and autonomous region remote sensing application research center deputy director. July 1986 graduated from Nanjing Meteorological Institute of weather dynamics; September 1987 to the meteorological station work autonomous region; from May 1994 to August 1995 as deputy director of the meteorological station; March 1997 as a senior engineer of new technology development. The so-called the third polar plateau of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, because of its unique geographical factors and climate characteristics of its downstream and even global climate change have a significant impact on plateau meteorological research is particularly important. Yang Zhigang, as the first generation of Tibetan college students after the reform and opening up of the meteorological department of the Tibet Autonomous Region, studied hard for a long time in such fields as meteorological science research and satellite remote sensing applications, especially the meteorological development of agriculture and animal husbandry in Tibet and the development of the national economy. He has been in the meteorological department since 1989 to promote the application of computers; the introduction, digestion and promotion of computer ground reporting system; developed meteorological data in our area PC-1500 machine entry detection software; completed the ground, the sounding of agriculture In our area of ​​improvement, optimization and experimental research projects to make up for lack of meteorological basic business area. Under the circumstance of shortage of talents and technology in the meteorological stations in the autonomous region, it took the initiative to undertake the task of training qualified personnel, introducing and promoting new technologies and has successively visited the cities of Changdu, Shigatse, Nagqu and Shannan for nearly 10,000 miles.
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