Relations of nuclear factor-kappa B activity in the kidney of children with primary nephrotic syndro

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oicq35952268
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The pathogenesis of childhood primary nephrotic syndrome (PNS) is unclear. However, an immune mechanism has generally been accepted as a cause. Imbalance of T lymphocyte and a variety of inflammatory cytokines, chemotactic and transcription factors are involved in the pathophysiology and manifestations of PNS,~(1,2) (and nuclear) factor kappa B (NF-κB) transcriptionally regulates the expression of these factors.~3 Research has been focused on NF-κB and inflammatory regulated mediators of renal diseases, but seldom on different clinical manifestations and histopathological changes. In order to explore a potential mechanism for the pathogenesis of PNS in children and a basis for preventing its advance, we determined NF-κB activity in the kidney of children with PNS in vitro using immunohistochemical staining and the multimedia coloured pathological image analysis system and its relations to clinical manifestations, histopathological changes and 24-hour urinary protein excretion. The pathogenesis of childhood primary nephrotic syndrome (PNS) is unclear. However, an immune mechanism has been accepted as a cause. Imbalance of T lymphocyte and a variety of inflammatory cytokines, chemotactic and transcription factors are involved in the pathophysiology and manifestations of PNS ~ (1,2) (and nuclear) factor kappa B (NF-κB) transcriptionally regulates the expression of these factors. ~ 3 Research has been focused on NF-κB and inflammatory regulated mediators of renal diseases, but seldom on different clinical manifestations and histopathological changes. In order to explore a potential mechanism for the pathogenesis of PNS in children and a basis for preventing its advance, we determined NF-κB activity in the kidney of children with PNS in vitro using immunohistochemical staining and the multimedia colored pathological image analysis system and its relations to clinical manifestations, histopathological changes and 24-hour urinary protein excretion.
Objectives: To verify the diagnostic value of lumbosacral midline cutaneous lesions in asymptomatic children to detect occult spinal dysraphism(OSD)and to propo
目的 分析山莨菪碱佐用高频喷射通气救治小儿肺炎合并心力衰竭(心衰)的疗效。方法 对178例肺炎合并心衰的患儿,采用常规治疗(对照组)89 例,另89 例在常规治疗的基础上,加用