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一路者,道之显也;道者,路之趋也;有道路而生网络,由网络而生街坊,由街坊而生城市,由城市而折射文明,表征文化。然,道之所从,路之所顺者何矣,曰:恒也!恒者道道也。二建筑之道,贵在恒;城市之道,贵在灵;创作之道贵在得势;人之道,贵在仁。施仁道者,需有灵势。建筑之初,得日月之精灵,以为遮风避雨。由之生虚实二象。虚象者,风水也;实象者,功能也。功能由实用生,风水为灵势呈,今日之建筑舍道而取路,不亦迷乎。我“百金”之探索,乃寻道也。三人者,物质精神之化生也。物质者,身躯 The one who is the one who does the road, the one who shows the way; the one who leads the way; the one who has the road and the one that produces the network, the one that produces the neighborhood from the network, the one from the neighbourhood, and the other from which the city refracts civilization and represents the culture. Of course, the path of the road, the path of what the person who made it, 曰: Heng Ye also! The second way of building is that you are constant; the way of the city is expensive; the way of creation is in gaining power; the way of humans is precious. Shi Ren Taoists need spiritual power. At the beginning of the construction, the elves of the sun and the moon thought they sheltered from the rain. The students are born with two images. Virtual imagers, feng shui also; real imagers, function also. The function is made up of practical students, and feng shui is a spiritual potential. Today’s buildings are built on roads and they are no exception. My “hundred” exploration is to seek it. Three people, as well as physical and spiritual students. Material, body
ERP——即Enterprise Resource Planning企业资源计划系统,是指建立在信息技术基础上,以系统化的管理思想为企业决策层提供决策运行手段的管理平台,并为多层面的高效管理提供
冬至,是中国重要的传统节日与农历节气之一,从这一天开始,白昼一天比一天长,阳气回升,天地间阳气开始渐渐转强,代表下一个循环开始,是大吉之日。所以在这天,大江南北的人们都会制作各种应节食品,尤其是在广东地区,有“冬大过年”之说,而省内河源市连平县的客家人,也开始进行每年重要的一项饮食传统习俗——酿制客家娘酒。  酿制客家娘酒是客家人的传统,除了河源,在广东的梅州、惠州,以及闽西、赣南、广西等客家地区
一、能本管理思想的缘起 “能本管理”的提出决非偶然,它是知识经济时代发展的必然和内在要求。国内管理界都已充分认识到了这一点,而且对此均持认同态度。知识经济时代的到
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