
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytfonrt
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宪法学是高等教育自学考试法律专业的一门必考课,为了组织好宪法学课程统一考试的命题工作,按照全国考委制定的《高等教育自学考试课程命题试行大纲》和高等教育自学考试法律专业《宪法学自学考试大纲》的要求,特制定本大纲。 一、命题指导思想 1.依照全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会的统一要求,严肃认真,慎重对待,坚持质量标准,切实做好考试工作。 2.宪法学课程考试应考核应考者掌握基础知识、基本理论的程度,以及应用所学理论知识分析问题和解决问题的能力,每份试卷中考核不同难易度试题的分数比例和不同能力层次试题的分数比例要适当,使考试合格者能真正达到普通高等学校同专业、同课程的结业水平。 In order to organize the proposition of unified examination of constitutional course, in accordance with the “Syllabus of Higher Education Self-study Examination Proposal” and the law of higher education self-study examination Professional “constitutional self-study exam syllabus” requirement, specially formulated this outline. First, the proposition guiding ideology 1. In accordance with the national higher education self-study exam Steering Committee of the unified requirements, serious and cautious, adhere to quality standards and effectively do the examination work. 2. constitutional course examinations should examine the candidates grasp the basic knowledge, the degree of basic theory, as well as the application of theoretical knowledge to analyze and solve problems, the ability of each test paper in the examination of different difficulty of the test scores and different levels of competence The proportion of the questions should be appropriate, so that those who pass the examination can truly achieve the same level of professional colleges and universities with the completion of the course.
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