Optimization Reform of Education Mode for Dissertations of New Media Majors in Application-oriented

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  【Abstract】 Some measures to optimize education mode were proposed from four aspects based on current development situations of new media majors in application-oriented universities in China. These measures could help students majored in new media of application-oriented universities to design their dissertations.
  【Key words】 application-oriented universities; new media majors; dissertations; optimization reform
  【作者簡介】Guo Rongchun, a female Chinese born in Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province on February, 1983. She has a master degree and now is a lecturer in the Digital Media Arts College of Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications. She is engaged in studies on network and new media, and digital media.
  【基金项目】Research on major theoretical and practical issues of the 2019 academic community in Shaanxi Province (2019Z128); Shaanxi Provincial Association for the Promotion of Public Science Quality Project Shaanxi Branch Xiefa (2019) Puzi 21:27; Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Fund Project ( 13N102); Shaanxi Province Innovation Capacity Support Program.
  1. Train innovation ability of students to assure originality of their dissertations
  1.1 Daily teaching activities shall pay attentions to train students’ habit of independent thinking, urge students to accomplish design tasks independently and stimulate their potentials of innovation gradually. Professional teachers shall try to help students to get rid of imitation timely, and completely eradicate imitation and copy by adopting appropriate rewards and punishments, such as praising and giving additional credits or some reputation for original works, but criticizing and punishing imitated and copied works to some extents.
  1.2 Innovation in topic selection is very important during instructions to dissertations. Tutors shall attach high attentions to early guide and encourage students fully based on observation to contents and tasks of dissertations.
  2. Stimulate students’ interest in learning and train their professional attitude
  2.1 Train students’ ability of observation and stimulate their interest in learning. Many inspirations are from accumulation of life observation. In practical teaching, teachers shall guide and motivate thinking of students consciously and guide them from simple analysis of finished works to observation of practical objects.
  2.2 Strengthen intuitive teaching and increase learning enthusiasm. During teaching activities, teachers can add scenario design in classrooms to strengthen interaction with students and achieve atmosphere climax in classrooms.   2.3 Students are allowed to select topics freely in accordance to their thinking and interests. In topic selection for dissertations, teachers can follow the thinking mode and interests of students majored in arts.
  3. Pay attention to professional practices and lay foundation for dissertation design
  3.1 Participating in competition of art design. Similar with other science and engineering majors in application-centered universities, students shall combine dissertation design of new media with various competitions of art design. On the one hand, competition of art design can help students apply the learned knowledge in practices. On the other hand, it helps students to maintain enthusiasm of creation. Besides, tutors can accumulate experimental teaching experiences gradually and improve the practical teaching level.
  3.2 Participate in practical projects. Dissertation of students majored in new media can use various practical projects at all levels and tutors can combine their scientific research projects with dissertation design to help students understand research goal and operation mode of projects, and thereby train students in practical working ability. Topic of projects is characteristic of strong practices, extensive knowledge scope and high social approval. Students can get a more profound experience of practical significance of dissertation design through these practical projects.
  [1]Wang Ruohong. Innovation Reform on Topic Selection of Dissertation for New Media Majors in Engineering Colleges[J]. Beauty
【摘要】本文将学科教育教学改革作为研究背景,将促进英语课程教学的有效性作为研究目的,将语言项目学习模式作为研究的切入點,对初中英语综合实践课程展开分析,期望能够为一线教学工作者提供一定参考。  【关键词】初中英语;综合实践;语言;项目学习  【作者简介】朱雪峰,甘肃省秦安县古城农业中学。  在学科教育教学全面改革的大趋势下语言项目学习方式得到了学科教学工作者的广泛认可,该学习模式在初中英语综合实践
【摘要】在“互联网 ”背景下,学生的学习方式发生了很大的变化,传统的英语口语课堂已经不能满足英语专业学生全方位提升英语口语交际能力的需求。基于UMU网络平台的翻转课堂模式进行英语专业口语课项目化教学成为一种趋势。教师运用翻转课堂模式,利用UMU网络互动学习平台发布项目,学生在教师的指导下,通过小组协作完成项目,进行成果展示、项目评价,增强了课程的实用性,锻炼了英语口语表达能力,培养了跨文化交际能力
【摘要】空中英语为我校“三位一体”语用型英语课程之校本课,强调学习外语的过程不再是一个枯燥地背诵和记忆的经历,而是一个积极主动的学习过程,一个不断提高语言运用能力和人文素养的过程。因其“千人同堂”的教学模式面向的是全校不同学段的学生,在学习上容易产生“两极分化”,“低热高萎”的症状。因此,分层学习,建立一套激励评价体系,具有积极的实践意义。  【关键词】学生发展素养;空中英语;分层教学;评价  【
【摘要】英语作为一门外语,在学习这门语言过程中,不可忽略的一个因素就是文化差异。不同的文化背景下所产生的语言一定会存在差异,而要想让学生学好英语,学会用英语交流,就必须注重在英语教学中对学生的跨文化意识加以培养。本文以电大为例,就电大英语教学中的跨文化意识问题进行了相关探讨。  【关键词】电大;英语教学;跨文化意识  【作者简介】王艳敏(1983-),女,汉族,河北沧州人,沧州广播电视大学,助教,
【摘要】近年来,在社会的不断发展变革之下,我国的教育事业发展也达到了一个全新的高度,部分传统理念和思想已经不再和时代发展的趋势相符合,创新教育理念成为教育发展改革的重要条件。在素质教育下,人本理念开始被重视。在初中英语教学中,教师融入人本理念能够使课堂得到良好优化,教学的效率和质量能得到有效提升。  【关键词】人本理念;初中英语;实践;方法策略  【作者简介】吴雅玲,福建省晋江市子江中学。  引言
【摘要】在新时代背景下,英语教学变得非常重要,英语作为全球通用语言,能够带给初中生更多的沟通和交流体验。本文就初中生英语学习兴趣的提高以及课堂效率的提升进行研讨,探究如果达成有效的师生互动,会对学生英语学习兴趣和课堂效率等产生怎样的影响,并结合研讨结果提出相关建议,以期为广大教育工作者提供更多的教学启发。  【关键词】初中;英语教学;师生互动;创新管理  【作者简介】闫玮,甘肃省泾川县第二中学。 
【摘要】新课程改革背景下,教师应当针对传统英语教学过程中出现的中式英语状况加以改善,注重培养学生的英语思维模式与思维品质,通过练习与讲解高中英语读后续写题型,帮助学生把握英语学习思路,锻炼学生的语言运用能力与写作构思能力,培养学生的英语学科核心素养。  【关键词】高中英语;读后续写;思维能力;教学策略  【作者简介】陈冬梅,福建省政和第一中学。  【基金项目】本文系福建省“十三五”第二批中学英语学
【摘要】核心素养教育是当前我国大力推行的教育方针,也是未来人才的需求导向。现在的学生将来要面临激烈的社会竞争他们更需要有综合性能力,而在职业教育过程中班主任的作用不言而喻。本文根据当前职业教育工作的现状进行分析,探讨如何提升班主任的管理能力。  【關键词】职业学院;班主任;学生管理;工作创新  【作者简介】郑慧敏,浙江交通技师学院。  随着我国职业教育体制改革的不断深入,新课程改革也进入到深水区,
【摘要】随着教学任务和教学目标的改革,目前非英语专业研究生的教学大纲已不再适用。因此,关于非英语专业研究生英语课程模式的改革日益凸显。本文首先分析了近几年国内高校英语教育的模式,然后就存在的相关问题展开探讨,以期在对这些问题的解决与改变中,推动我国非英语专业研究生英语教育的改革。  【关键词】非英语专业研究生;英语课程模式;改革  【作者简介】徐丕青,李艳芳,边玉柱,河北建筑工程学院。  【基金项