
来源 :青海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hengheng5251984
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同志们:近年来,我省统计改革与发展迈出了新的步伐,统计数据和统计服务的质量和水平有了显著提高,信息工程和队伍建设等各项工作都取得了明显成效,为全省社会经济发展做出了贡献,受到了省委、省政府的充分肯定。在这里我代表省委、省政府向全省统计系统干部职工表示衷心的感谢和亲切的问候。这次全省统计工作会议主要是对去年的工作进行总结,讨论安排今年的统计工作。刚才薛政同志的讲话,我都同意。下面,就做好今年全省统计工作我再讲几点意见。一、正确认识面临的形势进入新世纪以来,国际局势继续发生着深刻而复杂的变化,世界多级化、经济全球化是当前国际格局演变的两个主要趋势。总的看和平与发展仍是当今时代的主题,国际形势的基本态势仍是总体和平、缓和、稳定,但局部战乱、紧张、动荡。在维护世界和平、 Comrades: In recent years, the statistical reform and development in our province have made new strides, the quality and standard of statistical data and statistical services have been significantly improved, and various achievements in information engineering and team building have achieved remarkable results. Provincial social and economic development has made its contribution, by the provincial party committee and government fully affirmed. Here, on behalf of the provincial party committee and government, I hereby express my heartfelt thanks and cordial greetings to the cadres and workers of the province’s statistical system. The statistics work conference of this province mainly summarizes the work of last year and discusses and arranges this year’s statistics work. Just now, Comrade Xue Zheng’s speech, I agree. Now, let me talk a little bit about the statistics work in this province this year. I. Correctly Understanding the Situation Confronting Since the advent of the new century, the international situation has undergone profound and complex changes. The world’s multi-level and economic globalization are two major trends in the current evolution of the international situation. In general, peace and development are still the main themes of our times. The basic situation in the international situation is still generally peaceful, moderate and stable. However, there are some war, tension and turmoil in the world. In the maintenance of world peace,
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