
来源 :大理民族文化研究论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caifei123456
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一、概况龙首关位于云南大理市喜洲镇上关村,地处东经100°27′,北纬25°58′,北与沙坪相接,南与桃源村及蝴蝶泉相毗邻,东临洱海,西靠苍山,为大理市喜洲镇之最北端,南距大理市下关约40公里,距大理古城约28公里。龙首关原名龙首城或上关城,因其坐落在点苍山之首峰——云弄峰麓和洱海上游,昂然突起,似游龙,故名;也因其当洱河之首而称首关,又因其成为关口之城,而称龙口城、上关城。白族语称之为“抖拐”(douxguert),意即上边的一个关口,汉语俗称为“上关”。据《蛮书》、《南诏野史》、《新唐书》等史料记载,开始建筑龙首城的年代应为南诏迁都太和城以后。龙首关初建时为土墙,明初改为砖石墙,并筑起门楼、碉堡等附属建筑,北面扩为内外两道城墙,清咸丰年间杜文秀起义军驻守的十八年间也作了修缮加固。随着时间的推移,古老的城屏作用相对变弱,加上交 I. Introduction Long Shuan Guan is located in Shangguan Village, Xizhou Town, Dali City, Yunnan Province. It is located at 100 ° 27 ’east longitude and 25 ° 58’ north latitude. The north is adjacent to Shaping County, adjacent to Taoyuan Village and Butterfly Spring in the south, Erhai Lake in the east , West of Cangshan, the most northern end of the town of Xizhou, Dali City, south Dali off about 40 km away from the ancient city of Dali about 28 km. Long Shuan Guan formerly known as the dragon or the first city on the city, because it is located in the first peak of Cangshan - Yunlu peak and the upper reaches of Erhai Lake, proud sudden, like the dragon, hence the name; also because of the first and Said the first pass, but also because of its become the gateway to the city, and called Longkou City, on the city. The Bai language calls it “douxguert,” meaning a threshold above, commonly known as “Shangguan” in Chinese. According to “Man Book”, “Nanzhao Unofficial History”, “New Tang Dynasty” and other historical records, the beginning of the construction of the dragon city should be Nanzhao after the capital Taihe city. Dragon first closed when the initial construction of the earth wall, brick wall instead of early Ming, and build gatehouse, bunker and other ancillary buildings, north and outside walls to expand into two, during the Qing Xianfeng Du Wenxiu uprising stationed in the eighteen years also Repair and reinforcement. With the passage of time, the ancient urban screen relatively weak, plus pay
继联想成为具国际影响力的IT集团后,同是中关村企业的北京科兴正发力狂奔,力图成为国际疫苗格局中一支举足轻重的力量。    尹卫东和柳传志有着相似的经历和抱负。  用他的话说,“北京科兴的经历与联想很相似,都出身于事业单位。联想走的是贸工科,我们走的是科工贸。但是我们走得并不顺利,当科不出来的时候,工没钱做的时候,我们只能以贸养科、养工,一边研制甲肝疫苗,一边卖豆苗,卖白蛋白,我们坚持住了,甲肝类疫
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1 充分利用现刊的现实意义现刊一般是指一年之内的期刊。据有关资料表明,期刊的利用高峰期大约在出版后的一年以内。从期刊的利用现状看,现刊的利用率要比过刊高,比例约为3∶1。因
患者 男,30岁,于1992年7月31日入院。入院前3天中午喷洒农药(1956)持续4小时。天热、逆风操作、仅穿一条短裤,身上无任何防护措施,且未洗手吃西瓜。1h后发生头晕、恶心、呕
早在1000多年前,大理古城就已是南诏和大理的都城了。中国历史上一些有名的典故,如:“汉习楼船”、“唐标铁柱”、“元跨革囊”等都与它有关。   时至今日,这座古城又有幸成为中国首批公布的24个历史文化名城及44个风景名胜区之一。   去过大理的人都注意到:连接州府所在地下关镇与大理古城的公路,如同展开的大画轴。行进在上面,如在画中游。当你看到公路沿线的田里,绿波滚滚的稻、麦或大片大片金黄的油菜