An Improved Bayesian with Application to Anti-Spam Email

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangyajun1314
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Along with the wide application of e-mail nowadays, many spam e-mails flood into people’s email-boxes and cause catastrophes to their study and life. In anti-spam e-mails campaign, we depend on not only legal measures but also technological approaches. The Bayesian classifier provides a simple and effective approach to discriminate classification. This paper presents a new improved Bayesian-based anti-spam e-mail filter. We adopt a way of attribute selection based on word entropy, use vector weights which are represented by word frequency, and deduce its corresponding formula. It is proved that our filter improves total performances apparently in our experiment. Along with the wide application of e-mail nowadays, many spam e-mails flood into people’s email-boxes and cause catastrophes to their study and life. We anti on spam only ma need approaches. The Bayesian classifier provides a simple and effective approach to discriminate classification. This paper presents a new improved Bayesian-based anti-spam e-mail filter. We adopt a way of attribute selection based on word entropy, use vector weights which is represented by word frequency, and deduce its corresponding formula. It is proof that our filter improves total performances apparently in our experiment.
M1C与M1D步枪均属伽兰德M1半自动步枪的狙击型。本文介绍这两种枪的开发背景、开发过程及结构。 诞生背景 1942年,美陆军总司令部在制定新一代狙击步枪开发计划时,就曾讨论
在被誉为“互联网革命最伟大的思考者”的克莱·舍基(clay Shirky)笔下,未来社会是湿的。未来为什么是湿的?因为创造未来的人是活的。湿的东西,是具有活的特征、生命特征的东西。“湿件(Wetware)”一词因此而生。  在湿的世界里,人们不再像机关、工厂那样永远地靠正式制度强制待在一起,而是可以依靠“湿件”的力量,轻易地在网上组建各种群体,发现志同道合的人、以从前无法想象的方式一起从事某个项目
东风五标准运动手枪是我国东风系列运动手枪成员之一,用于标准手枪比赛项目及女子慢加速比赛项目。  东风五运动手枪经过20余年的生产及改进,目前已形成包括BS01到BS044个品种的系列产品,其中BS01为原型,BS02在BS01基础上改为单排供弹,BS03在BS02的基础上改为组合式击发机构,BS04在BS01的基础上改为前装式枪机。  东风五运动手枪由枪底把、枪管、节套等组成基体,主要机构有:供弹