The mid-high latitude whistler mode chorus waves observed around substorm onsets

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengdou
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Using the data of LFEW/TC-2, we studied the dawn side chorus around substorm onsets during a strong geomagnetic storm in November 2004. During this storm, LFEW/TC-2 observed 14 dawnside chorus events. Nine of them were associated with substorms and occurred within 40 min around the substorm onsets. The fre-quencies of waves have a very good correlation with the half equatorial electron cyclotron frequencies. Chorus can be excited in the region near magnetic equato-rial plane and then propagate to the mid and high latitudes. When the wave fre-quencies reach the local lower hybrid frequencies, chorus can be reflected due to the lower hybrid resonance. The time delay between the chorus and its echo is about 28 min. Previous observations show that the chorus can propagate at most to the magnetic latitudes of 40°. LFEW/ TC-2 found for the first time that the chorus in space could propagate to the magnetic latitude of 70°. Since most of the previous chorus observations are made close to the magnetic equatorial plane, our results are important for the studies of excitation and propagation of whistler mode wave, and relevant relativistic electron acceleration in the magnetosphere. Using the data of LFEW / TC-2, we studied the dawn side chorus around substorm onsets during a strong geomagnetic storm in November 2004. During this storm, LFEW / TC-2 observed 14 dawnside chorus events. Nine of them were associated with substorms The fre-quencies of waves have a very good correlation with the half equatorial electron cyclotron frequencies. and Chine can be excited in the region near magnetic equato-rial plane and then propagate to the mid and high When the wave fre-quencies reach the local lower hybrid frequencies, chorus can be reflected due to the lower hybrid resonance. The time delay between the chorus and its echo is about 28 min. Previous observations show that the chorus can propagate at most to the magnetic latitudes of 40 °. LFEW / TC-2 found for the first time that the chorus in space could propagate to the magnetic latitude of 70 °. Since most of the previous chorus observations are made close to th e magnetic equatorial plane, our results are important for the studies of excitation and propagation of whistler mode wave, and relevant relativistic electron acceleration in the magnetosphere.
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