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文字书法自诞生始便和文书档案联系在一起.相传黄帝时的史官诅涌和仓颉造文字,始以书契代替结绳,文书档案便应用了文字.但我们今天只能在商周时期的甲骨档案上看到最早的文书书法,殷商和西周对文书的书写有了一定的要求.文书官吏在起草文书或记录王室活动时,常常要在甲骨文书上签名,以示负责.我们还可以看到许多练字骨,学生练习时,老师在一旁提刀,老师刻一行,学生跟着学刻一行,说明甲骨镌刻者都经过长期的琢磨苦练,才以其精秀的书法,高超的技巧,使甲骨档案彪炳千古. 随着历史的发展,我国古代对文书书写的要求愈来愈严格.奴隶制崩溃以后,我国第一个统一的中央 Text calligraphy since the birth of it and the file associated with the file. Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor’s historian curse and Cangjie make the text, beginning with the book instead of knot rope, paperwork will be used in the text, but we can only today in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties Oracle archives saw the earliest clerical calligraphy, Shang Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty has some requirements for the writing of the instruments.Civil officials in the drafting of the instrument or record the activities of the royal family, often in the Oracle book to sign, in order to show that we can To see a lot of practicing bone, the students practice, the teacher at the side of the knife, the teacher carved his line, followed by school students engraved engraved inscriptions who have long been refined study hard, with its excellent calligraphy, superb skills , So that the Oracle archives over the ages.With the development of history, our country in ancient writing instruments more stringent requirements.After the collapse of slavery, China’s first unified central
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