打造高效课堂 我们在行动

来源 :辽宁教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjass
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课堂是实施素质教育、实现教育目标的主阵地,也是师生交往互动、共同发展、生命成长的重要场所。目前的课堂教学,仍然不同程度地存在如下问题:教师讲授时间多,学生自主学习少;教师灌输知识多,学生自主探究少;教师预设问题多,学生互动提问少;教师统一要求多,发展学生个性少。这不仅造成了课堂教学低效或无效,而且影响了学 Classroom is the main front for implementing quality education and realizing education goals. It is also an important place for interaction between teachers and students, common development and life growth. The current classroom teaching still has the following problems in varying degrees: the teachers teach more time and the students learn less autonomously; the teachers instill more knowledge and the students explore less autonomously; the teachers have more problems in advance and the students interact less frequently; Little student personality. This not only caused the classroom teaching inefficient or invalid, but also affected the learning
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快乐的寒假开始啦!怎样才能让假期过得丰富多彩呢?还没想好?别急,先来读一读下面的小作文,或许能给你们一些启发,说不定也能像这些小朋友一样写出这么精彩的习作呢。 Happy