
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iloveyouggyyvc
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High-resolution reaction-microscopes are novel technique to investigate many-particle quantum-dynamics of atomic reactions for ion,electron or photon impact. Exploiting this technique,the momentum of recoil-ion and electron emerging from an atomic reaction can be reconstructed from the measurement of the time-of-flight(TOF)and the positions on the ion and electron detectors,respectively[1]. The momentum resolution of reaction microscopes is influenced by many possible factors,such as the uncertainties in the strength of the electric and magnetic fields,the position and time resolution of the detector and the finite extension of the target zone. In addition,the initial temperature of the High-resolution reaction-microscopes are novel techniques to investigate many-particle quantum-dynamics of atomic reactions for ion, electron or photon impact. Exploiting this technique, the momentum of recoil-ion and electron emerging from an atomic reaction can be reconstructed from the measurement of the time-of-flight (TOF) and the positions on the ion and electron detectors, respectively [1]. The momentum resolution of reaction microscopes is influenced by many possible factors, such as the uncertainties in the strength of the electric and magnetic fields, the position and time resolution of the detector and the finite extension of the target zone
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