
来源 :江苏幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waxq134
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本研究从陕南民间文化的内容与特点入手去探究园本课程建设问题,文章指出园本课程不是纯粹的在现有的课程中加入新的成分,而是对原有课程内容进行解构与重构,即采用一种新的视角,把部分课程内容同现实生活和传统民间文化结合起来,探究建构具有陕南民间文化特色的园本课程原则,努力实现从课程目标、内容、实施与评价各层面的全面融合,使园本课程的实施真正成为一个趣味性、生活化和综合性的过程,让陕南民间文化发挥更有效的教育作用,从而实现文化与幼儿发展的双向创生。 This study starts from the content and characteristics of Southern Shaanxi folk culture to explore the construction of this course. The article points out that this course is not purely to add new elements to the existing curriculum, but to deconstruct and weight the original curriculum content Structure, that is to adopt a new perspective, the part of the course content with the real life and traditional folk culture together to explore the construction of Southern Shaanxi folk culture characteristics of the principle of the garden course, and strive to achieve from the curriculum objectives, content, implementation and evaluation of each The full integration of the curriculum makes the implementation of the park-based curriculum truly become a process of fun, life and synthesis, so that the southern Shaanxi folk culture can play a more effective role in education so as to achieve a two-way creation of culture and early childhood development.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
我躺在沙发榻上看书。忽然,女儿大叫起来:“爸爸,你压住他们啦!”我起身低头一看,只是些福娃、小兔子、小绒毛狗,女儿的一些绒布玩具而已嘛!这么大惊小怪。 I lay on the so
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