
来源 :河北陶瓷 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunchaoemo
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(一) 我收藏着一套《中国磁州窑》邮票,全套共六枚,其中两枚我珍爱至深,一枚为花釉虎耳尊,另一枚为双耳杏花瓶。这两件瓷器不单单是因为我参加过制做有点感情,而是因为它是我的良师益友魏之騟的杰作。近日刘立忠同志告诉我老魏的几件作品还在生产,还在不断收到订单。令人深思的是,七十年代初设计的产品延续到九十年代仍然受到社会的宠爱,可见艺术家的生命是有限的,而艺术家用热血凝炼出的作品之树常 (I) I have a collection of “China Cizhou kiln” stamps, a full set of six, two of which I cherish, one for the glaze tiger ears respect, and the other for the apricot vase. These two pieces of porcelain not only because I participated in the system to do a little emotion, but because it is my mentor Wei Zhizhi’s masterpiece. Recently, Comrade Liu Lizhong told me that several pieces of work by Lao Wei are still in production and are still receiving orders. It is thought-provoking that the products designed in the early 1970s continued to be favored by the community in the 1990s. The artist’s life is limited, and the artist’s often condensed and condensed works of trees often
l24沙市包装技术协绘沙市工业设计协会沙市工艺美校沙市彩印厂胡必梁标志设计作品请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 l24 Shashi Packaging Technology Associati