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在艺术史研究中,很多研究者习惯性地会把艺术家的个性特点和他的艺术风格联系起来进行探讨,但恐怕很少有人知道这种研究方法始于艺术史学者维特科夫尔夫妇[R.&M.Wittkower]合著的《土星命运的人》[Born under Saturn:The Character and Conduct of Artists]。1963年在伦敦出版的这册小书中收集了大最的艺术家传记,时间跨度从古希腊一直到法国大革命时期,自初版后就不断地再版重印,是西方最畅销的艺术书籍之一,《时代周刊》称其为“一本少见的艺术史经典著作。充满学术轶事,读来令人愉悦”。如果因此将其归为集名人轶事的趣味读物,难免让人感到遗憾,并且有失公允。书中记录了众多艺术家的创作历程以及他们生活中的轶事,但在这些叙述的背后,作者更关注在这段漫长的历史中,艺术家的社会地位不断发生改变的过程中所形成的一种特殊的公众形象,并将其纳入特定时期中整个社会环境和知识情境的框架内进行考察。其中,“土星命运的忧郁”以其戏剧性的艺术呈现方式和深厚的文化意义表现出了独特的吸引力。 In the history of art research, many researchers habitually relate the artist’s personality characteristics to his artistic style. However, few people know that this method of research started with the relationship between the art historians Witt Kovall [R . & M. Wittkower], “Born under Saturn: The Character and Conduct of Artists.” A collection of the most influential artist biographies in the small book published in London in 1963, spanning from ancient Greece to the French Revolution, has been reprinted and reprinted since the first edition and is one of the best-selling Western art books. “ Time magazine called it a rare classic book of art history filled with academic anecdotes and read delightfully. It would be unfortunate and unfair to classify it as a fascinating book of celebrity anecdotes. The book chronicles the creative processes of many artists and anecdotes in their lives, but behind these narratives, the author is more concerned with the constant evolution of the artist’s social status in this long history Special public image, and into the framework of the social environment and knowledge situation in a specific period of time to inspect. Among them, ”the melancholy of Saturn’s destiny" shows its unique attraction with its dramatic artistic expression and profound cultural significance.
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