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4月18~21日,黄委设计院副院长谈英武在北京主持召开了《南水北调西线工程受水区效益分析报告》专家评议会和验收会。此项成果是黄委设计院委托国家计委国土规划研究所承担完成的。参加会议的有来自国家计委、国家科委、水利部、水规总院、南水北调规划办公室、长委、华北水院等单位的专家40余人。黄委副总工程师成健参加了会议。专家组评议认为:报告内容丰富、工作基础扎实、技术路线正确,从国土开发整治的高度进行了比较全面深入的分析论证,为下阶段开展规划工作打下了基础。另外提出了补充修改意见:1.工农业经济效益的计算,建议采用多种方法计算进行对应;2.要从战略高度考虑全国社会、经济发展和改善西北地 From April 18 to April 21, Vice President of the Yellow Design Institute talked about Yingwu in Beijing chaired an expert council and acceptance meeting of the “South-to-North Water Diversion West Project beneficiary water benefit analysis report.” This achievement is commissioned by the Yellow Design Institute commissioned the State Planning Commission Land Planning Institute completed. More than 40 experts from the State Development Planning Commission, the State Science and Technology Commission, the Ministry of Water Conservancy, the Water Regulatory Commission, the South-to-North Water Diversion Planning Office, the NPC, North China Waterworks and other units attended the conference. Huang Jian Cheng Jian, deputy chief engineer attended the meeting. The expert group commented that: The report is rich in content, a solid foundation of work and a correct technical route. It has conducted a comprehensive and in-depth analysis and demonstration from the perspective of land development and remediation, laying the foundation for the planning work in the next phase. In addition, proposed additional amendments: 1. The calculation of industrial and agricultural economic benefits, it is recommended to use a variety of methods to calculate the corresponding; 2. From a strategic perspective to consider the country’s social and economic development and improve the northwest
通过分析曲靖市小(2)型病险水库除险加固项目实施过程中存在的主要问题,总结除险加固工程管理工作中采取的主要做法及经验,为除险加固工程保质保量地完成提供参考。 By anal
对水电开发是否有优越性,经济效益是高还是低的问题目前有些争论。在这个问题上下面谈几点体会:1 高利率动态总投资计核的完建年上网电价与今天平均上网电价的比较目前进行
据《Gas Turbine World》2015年11~12月刊报道,GE正在向山西晋城采煤集团供应12台它的3.35 MW J620燃气发动机,用于在山西省晋城市成庄煤矿发电项目,该然气发动机是以煤矿甲
介绍江新洲洲头北岸崩岸情况,叙述工程治理情况及施工方法,并对工程效果作了深入探讨。 Describes the bankruptcy of the headland of the north shore of the bank in Jia