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若开山位于缅甸西部,是缅甸境内最大最险峻的山脉,被称为我国“第四大能源通道”的中缅油气管道就在这里穿越施工。对中石油管道局的施工队伍进行采访报道,我们的目的地就是缅甸若开山。2012年9月6日,从北京飞昆明,再转机飞曼德勒,我们在缅甸的行程正式开始了。曼德勒是缅甸第二大城市,中石油管道局在缅甸的施工总指挥部就驻扎在这里。从2011年5月开工, Wakayama is located in the western part of Myanmar and is the largest and most rugged mountain range in Myanmar. The Sino-Burmese oil and gas pipeline, called “the fourth largest energy corridor” in China, is here. Interview with PetroChina Pipeline Construction Team reports that our destination is Mount Wakayama in Myanmar. On September 6, 2012, a flight from Beijing to Kunming and a flight to Mandalay took place. Our trip to Myanmar officially started. Mandalay is Myanmar’s second-largest city, with the CNPC stationed here in Myanmar’s construction headquarters. Starting from May 2011,
Structure units containing all-carbon quaternary stereogenic center are found in many bioactive natural products. However,enantioselective construction of this
2014年12月7日,即国际艾滋病日后的第6天,四川省西充县某村,200余位村民用“联名信”的方式,决定要将村里一位携带艾滋病病毒的8岁男童坤坤驱离出村。  在坤坤出生后不久,父母就先后离开了村子,留下他跟爷爷生活在一起。2011年坤坤被查出携带艾滋病病毒。之后,在外打工的坤坤父母再也没有回来看望过他,也没寄过生活费。现在,坤坤主要靠政府给的每月600元生活费为生,祖孙两人的生活常陷入困境中。而且
Activated carbon-supported mercuric chloride(HgCl_2) is used as an industrial catalyst for acetylene hydrochlorination. However, the characteristic of easy subl
Reaction of the ligand dmpt(dmpt=6,7-dimethylbenzo[f][1,10]phenanthroline)with CuCl_2 afforded mixed valent Cu(Ⅰ)/Cu(Ⅱ) discrete tetranuclear complexes[Cu(Ⅱ)
A series of Ni-CeO2catalysts were prepared by co-precipitation method with Na2CO3,NaOH,and mixed precipitant(Na2CO3:NaOH;1:1 ratio)as precipitant,respectively.T