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胡某,女,5岁。1975年11月5日初诊。患儿受凉后突发高热,咽痛,声嘶,呼吸急促,入某医院急诊为白喉,固无白喉抗毒索,予消炎抗茵等治疗2天,病情有增无减,日趋危笃,急求中医诊治,而求治于余。刻诊:高热(39.8℃),两眼红赤,咽痛难忍,声音嘶哑,咳嗽如吠,呼吸急促,极度烦躁,口臭而喝。饮不能咽,小便黄赤,量少,大便3日未解。查:面色苍白,口唇发绀,舌红绛少津,舌苔黄燥,中心焦黑,脉数,咽喉白膜满布,不易剥脱,脱后基底部色紅出血,征系外感疫疠之邪,蕴结肺胃,上蒸咽喉而致。诊为白喉(阳热型)。治宜清热解毒,佐以利咽。方投生地100克玄参100克黄连7克黄芩15克生栀仁15克大黄15 Hu Mou, female, 5 years old. First visit on November 5, 1975. After the children became cold, they suddenly developed high fever, sore throat, hoarseness, and shortness of breath. They entered the emergency department of a hospital as diphtheria, had no diphtheria anti-toxic drug, and were given anti-inflammatory and anti-inflation treatment for 2 days. The condition increased and became increasingly critical. I am eager to seek medical treatment and seek treatment in Yu. Diagnostic: Heat (39.8°C), red eyes, sore throat, hoarse voice, coughing, phlegm, shortness of breath, extreme irritability, bad breath and drink. Drink can not pharynx, yellow urine, a small amount, stool unsolved on the 3rd. Check: pale, cheeks and lips, red tongue, little scars, dry yellow tongue, dark center, pulse number, full laryngeal buccal membrane, easy to exfoliate, red bleeding after detachment from the basement, symptoms of epilepsy Stomach lung and stomach, caused by steaming throat. Diagnosis is diphtheria (pyrexia). Expelling heat and detoxification, with a pharynx. 100 grams of Radix Scrophulariae, 100 grams of Radix Scutellariae, 7 grams of Radix Scutellariae, 15 grams of Radix Astragalus, 15 grams
研究论文 薄层扫描法测定冰片及含冰片中成药中龙脑、异龙脑的研究,”4…·”········4·…杨胜华等(1) 委陵菜化学成分的研究·甲················
During 1987-1988 the author was invited by the Universidade do Amazonas (University of Amazonia), at Manaus, Brazil, as a visiting professor to do cooperative