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采用种子层辅助水热生长法制备了ZnO纳米棒有序阵列.将ZnO溶胶旋涂到玻片上,通过煅烧得到晶种,然后将载有晶种的玻片放入含有硝酸锌和六亚甲基四胺的反应釜里,经过水热反应得到垂直于玻片生长的ZnO纳米棒有序阵列.利用原子力显微镜(AFM)观测样品表面形貌并定量分析ZnO纳米棒的长度、直径和生长密度.结果表明,当旋涂转速为4 000r/min,旋涂次数为3次时所得到的ZnO晶种分布均匀,排列紧密,平均粒径为24.3nm.当反应物浓度为0.025mol/L,反应时间为3h,反应温度为90℃时,制备的ZnO纳米棒呈有序阵列,其中纳米棒的长度为164.4nm,直径为104.1nm,生长密度为64.7根/μm2. An ordered array of ZnO nanorods was prepared by seed-layer assisted hydrothermal growth.The ZnO sol was spin-coated onto glass slides, and the seed crystals were obtained by calcination. The slides containing seeds were then immersed in a solution containing zinc nitrate and hexamethylenetetramine In order to obtain the ordered array of ZnO nanorods perpendicular to the glass slide, the surface morphology of the samples was observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and the length, diameter and growth density of the ZnO nanorods The results show that when the spin speed is 4 000 r / min and the number of spin coating is 3 times, the ZnO seeds are uniformly distributed and arranged closely with an average particle size of 24.3 nm. When the reactant concentration is 0.025 mol / L, The reaction time was 3h and the reaction temperature was 90 ℃. The prepared ZnO nanorods were ordered array. The length of the nanorods was 164.4nm, the diameter was 104.1nm and the growth density was 64.7 / μm2.
糖尿病患者的神经障碍有振动觉与表浅感觉障碍、深反射减弱乃至消失、肌张力低下、肌萎缩、脑神经障碍、植物神经障碍等多种临床表现,统称糖尿病性神经障碍。 糖尿病性神经
病例 男 25岁 农民 患者无精神病及癫痫病史,亦未能提供狂犬咬伤史。三天前突然出现右臂麻木,不能活动,数小时后渐发展到口周麻木,口及双上肢频繁抽搐,并反复吐口水,不能进
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Zhang Guangzhu and his wife Wang Zhongjin have set foot on every continent,even Antarctica.In their global escapades they’ve filled five passports with travel
处方1 氨茶碱0.1×18 0.2 tid po 四环索 0.25×24 0.5 q6h po 处方2 红霉素 0.1×24 0.2 q6h po 氨茶碱 0.1×18 0.2 tid po 去痛片 0.5×10 0.5 sos po 剖析:氨茶碱是治疗
故障现象一辆2008年出厂的HFC6500A3C7BE3瑞风商务车(装配HFC 4GA3 2.0L电控汽油发动机和五速手动变速器),出现仪表盘内EPC和ABS灯同时报警的现象。检查分析接车后借助故障检