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汉顺帝时,出了一位有名的清官,名叫苏章。他为官清廉,从不以权谋私,处处以身作则,从不因个人利益而冤枉好人、放过坏人,深受百姓的爱戴。有一年,苏章被任命为冀州刺史,其属下的清河太守,本是他的好朋友,后来因贪污受贿,犯下大罪。一天晚上,苏刺史私人备下酒菜,请来那位老朋友,两人边喝酒边叙旧,苏章绝口不提案子的 Han Shun Di, out of a well-known official, called Su Zhang. He is an official clean, never abuse of power for his personal interests, always lead by example, never because of personal interests and innocence, let go of the bad guys, loved by the people. One year, Su Zhang was appointed governor of Jizhou, and his lieutenant, Qinghe Prefecture, was a good friend of his. Later, he committed a major crime for accepting bribes for corruption. One night, the Sospice prepared private food and wine, invited to the old friend, the two drink while Syria, Su Zuban not to mention the proposal
84岁男性高血压,因严重胸骨下方痛入院,疼痛向左上肢放射,持续1h。发病前1周有类似轻度发作不适,休息时发作。体检:生命征:脉搏90次/min,规则,血压(BP)140/70mm Hg。心脏:呼
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