
来源 :元史及民族与边疆研究集刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suzhixie66
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“易代”是传统文学关注点之一,而其中士大夫命运也在此背景下展开并发生了变化。“忠义”、“遗民”、“贰臣”等分类标签成为描述和易代之际士大夫心态及诗文的主要理论基础之一。而这其中的复杂性其及其诗文表现的特点往往会被“过滤性”认识。本文试图从当时文献史料和舒岳祥、戴表元的文本解读出发,将易代之际的时代大背景和士大夫的日常生活结合,以此来分析宋末元初易代之际南方文士的命运变化。认为其历经了由拒绝到认同,再到主动合作的变化过程。这一历程在南士群体中具有典型性。他们对元政权有着复杂的心理,一方面元朝统治格局的扩大、雄浑使南士认为其可以和历史上的唐、宋相媲美;另一方面南士生存处境却迅速恶化,失去了往日士大夫阶层的荣耀感、优越感。显然,日常生存的困境迫使他们更需彰显自身之价值,不仅为了维护其生存的需要,而且要体现其尊严的价值。因而从这一角度出发,我们对宋元易代之际的群体研究,不必夸大其遗民身份或所谓高洁之品质。生存境遇之选择与人生终极理想的难以实现使他们的选择趋于务实、灵活,以此会对宋元之际南方文士的诗文有一个更明确的认识。 “Yi Dai ” is one of the traditional literary concerns, of which the fate of the scholar also started under this background and changed. “Loyalty ”, “descendants ”, “Erchen ” and other classification labels become one of the main theoretical basis for describing the mentality and poetry of the literary doctor. However, the complexity of the poetry and the characteristics of its performance are often “filtering ” understanding. This article tries to analyze the historical changes of the Southern scholar from the time of the Song Dynasty to the early Yuan Dynasty based on the historical materials of the time and the text reading of Shu Yuexiang and Dai Tianyuan. . Think it has gone through the process of change from rejection to identification and then to active cooperation. This process is typical of the Nanks group. They have a complicated mentality over the Yuan regime. On the one hand, the expansion of the Yuan dynasty’s rule led the Nanshi people to think that they were comparable to the Tang and Song dynasties in history. On the other hand, the living conditions of the Nanks deteriorated rapidly and they lost the past scholarships The sense of glory, superiority. Obviously, the predicament of daily existence forces them to demonstrate their own values ​​more, not only to maintain their survival needs but also to reflect the value of their dignity. Therefore from this point of view, we do not have to exaggerate the identity of the elders or the so-called noble qualities of the Song and Yuan studies on the occasion of the Song Dynasty. The choice of living conditions and the realization of the ultimate ideal of life make their choices more pragmatic and flexible, so as to have a clearer understanding of the poetry of southern scholars during the Song and Yuan Dynasties.
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-614x.2010.01.149  支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)是由多种细胞(如嗜酸性粒细胞、肥大细胞里把细胞、中性粒细胞、气道上皮细胞等)和细胞组分参与的气道慢性炎症疾病。这种慢性炎症与气道高反应性相关,通常出现广泛多变的可逆性气流受限,并引起反复发作的喘息、气急、胸闷、或咳嗽等症状,常在夜间和(或)清晨发作、加剧,多数患者可自行缓解或经治疗缓解。支气管
波斯文史著《史集》(Jāmi~c al-Tavārīkh)之《部族志》记述了蒙元时期蒙古高原及其相邻地区各民族各部落的情况,是研究中古时期北方民族形成、分化、发展的最重要、最基本
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-614x.2010.17.089  术前准备  心理护理:①术前患者常对麻醉及手术产生恐惧,易出现焦虑、抑郁、烦躁等情绪。术前1天巡回护士到病房对患者进行术前访视,用通俗易懂的语言讲解有关手术室的环境、手术概况、手术部位、麻醉注意事项、患者的配合等各方面的问题,使患者了解手术过程,以取得支持和配合,使患者以最佳的心身状态接受手术。②物品器械准备:腹腔