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《自然》杂志(生物技术版)日前发表题为《中国生物制药产业集群》的编辑部文章,高度评价高速发展的中国生物制药产业和华南理工大学创办的创新医药“前孵化器”。文章指出,在中国鼓励和支持创新的政策驱动下,2012年中国生物制药产业高速发展,并在京津、上海、苏杭、成都、重庆和广东形成了规模化的生物制药产业集群。国家主导的医疗改革和政府直接对生物新药物研究的投资促进生物制药产业蓬勃发展,形成巨大市场,吸引了境外和民间大量投资。2012年,涉及生 A few days ago, Nature magazine (Biotechnology Edition) published an editorial article titled “China Biopharmaceutical Industry Cluster”, highly praising the rapid development of China’s biopharmaceutical industry and the innovative medicine “front incubator ” founded by South China University of Technology. The article points out that driven by China’s policy of encouraging and supporting innovation, the biopharmaceutical industry in China developed rapidly in 2012 and formed a large-scale biopharmaceutical industrial cluster in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing and Guangdong. The state-led healthcare reform and the government’s direct investment in research on new biological drugs have promoted the vigorous development of the biopharmaceutical industry, formed a huge market and attracted huge investments both domestically and overseas. 2012, involving students
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