
来源 :公共艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yideng
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数码艺术是基于信息时代计算机技术的一种艺术表现形式。它以人机交互方式为特征,并以此区别于其他艺术形式而存在。每一种艺术表现形式的出现都与当时的科学技术以及科技发展带来的社会进步、人的观念改变有直接的关系。就如同没有冶炼术就没有中国青铜文化和艺术,没有造纸术就没有中国绘画一样,计算机技术造就了信息化时代和数码艺术的发生发展。每项科学技术的发明都会给人类带来新的文明,历史就在承 Digital art is an art form based on computer technology in the information age. It is characterized by human-computer interaction and as such is distinguished from other art forms. The emergence of every kind of artistic expression is directly related to the science and technology of that time as well as the social progress brought by the development of science and technology and the change of people’s concepts. Just as there is no Chinese bronze culture and art without smelting, there is no Chinese painting without papermaking, and the computer technology has brought about the occurrence and development of the information age and digital art. Every invention of science and technology brings a new civilization to mankind, and history is bearing on
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【内容摘要】情境教学,是在教师有意识的引导下,创设与教学内容相关的情境,通过教师所能运用到的教学资源,渲染能够引发学生思考的氛围,帮助学生更加深刻地认识所学知识。在初中语文教学中使用情境教学,可以让语文学习更加灵活,向学生展现饱含魅力的语文文化,引发学生探索的欲望。本文从初中语文中使用情境教学的必要性入手,重点阐述教师应当如何在初中语文教学中创设情境,以期引导诸位同行的思考与实践。  【关键词】初
作为社会经济交往的基本凭证,录,是财务核算的凭证,者维护自身权益的有力武器。 As the basic voucher and record of social economic exchanges, it is a powerful weapon