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1998年的邮电分营,邮政企业欠债上亿元,一时间保吃饭、保稳定、抓发展成了工作的中心。怎样才能谋求邮政企业经营管理有新的突破,经济效益和社会效益并进有新的提升,职工文化生活有新的内容,队伍思想观念有新的转变,市场核心竞争力有新的发展,一直是大理邮政着重思考的问题。通过践行科学发展观,十八大精神的指引下,我们清楚的认识到,只有通过深化转型,才能谋求新的发展;只有通过深化转型,才能探索良性循环之路;只有通过深化转型,才能保障企业和职工的利益,面对新形势,新任务,只有顺应时代发展,敢于自我否定,大胆创新思路,才能实现新突破、新发展。 In 1998, the postal and telecommunications sub-contractors and postal enterprises owed debts to hundreds of millions of yuan. As a result, they kept their meals for a time and maintained their stability. They have now become the center of their work. How can we seek new breakthroughs in the management of postal enterprises, bring about new improvements in economic and social benefits, new contents in the cultural life of staff and workers, new changes in the concept of team work, and new developments in the core competitiveness of the market? Dali emphatically thinking about the issue. Through the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development and the guidance of the 18th National Congress of the CPC, we have clearly realized that we can seek new development only through deepening the transformation. Only by deepening the transition can we explore the path of a virtuous circle. Only through deepening the transformation can we In the face of the new situation and new tasks, we can achieve new breakthroughs and new developments only if we comply with the development of the times, dare to self-denial, and boldly innovate.
20世纪三四十年代 ,云南在边疆民族学、社会学研究方面产生出一批颇具影响的学术成果 ,李有义先生的《汉夷杂区经济》就是其中之一。李有义先生 1 91 2年出生于山西省清徐县
“环保问责在我们这里不是口号,而是实实在在的责任。”金陵石化将压力变动力,为完成“十一五”环保目标交上了一份出色的“期中答卷”。 “Environmental accountability
《北疆通史》是中国边疆通史丛书之一 ,由中国社会科学院近代史研究所赵云田研究员主编 ,属国家社会科学基金规划项目 ,于 2 0 0 2年 1 2月由中州古籍出版社出版。《北疆通史
华南销售公司围绕“率先建成国际水准的销售企业”长远目标和公司年度任务指标,全员动员,促销增效,广泛开展劳动竞赛活动。 South China sales company around the “first
企业工会组织应服从并服务于经济社会发展的大局,积极组织和动员广大职工与企业同舟共济、共克时艰。 The trade union organizations of enterprises should obey and serv