目前在我国推广的苹果短枝型品种有哪些——答陕西读者 朱利文

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目前在我国推广的苹果短枝型品种主要有以下几种:一、新红星(Starkrimson):1954年发现于美国俄勒岗州 RoyB—isbee 果园的红星枝变。果实中大,单果重160克左右,果型高桩,长圆锥形,五棱明显,色泽鲜艳美观。肉质致密,硬、脆、汁多,风味甜香,品质上。比红星耐贮。树势健壮,树姿直立,植株半矮化,短枝多,座果率高,丰产,大小年结果现象不严重,在所有元帅系品种中最抗短枝坏死病。 Currently popularized apple spur varieties in our country are the following: First, the new star (Starkrimson): 1954 found in the United States Oregon RoyB-isbee Orchard red star branches change. Large fruit, fruit weight 160 grams, fruit-shaped pile, long conical, pentagonal significant, bright color and beautiful appearance. Meat is dense, hard, crisp, juicy, sweet flavor, quality. Storable than Red Star. Strong tree vigor, tree posture erect, semi-dwarf plants, spur more, fruit rate is high, high yield, the size of the annual results are not serious, most of all Marshal varieties resistant to short spur necrosis.
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