On-current modeling of short-channel double-gate(DG) MOSFETs with a vertical Gaussian-like doping pr

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dzxxdzc2
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An analytic drain current model is presented for doped short-channel double-gate MOSFETs with a Gaussian-like doping profile in the vertical direction of the channel.The present model is valid in linear and saturation regions of device operation.The drain current variation with various device parameters has been demonstrated. The model is made more physical by incorporating the channel length modulation effect.Parameters like transconductance and drain conductance that are important in assessing the analog performance of the device have also been formulated.The model results are validated by numerical simulation results obtained by using the commercially available ATLAS~(TM),a two dimensional device simulator from SILVACO. An analytic drain current model is presented for doped short-channel double-gate MOSFETs with a Gaussian-like doping profile in the vertical direction of the channel. The present model is valid in linear and saturation regions of device operation. The drain current variation with various model parameters has been demonstrated. The model is made more physical by incorporating the channel length modulation effect. Parameters like transconductance and drain conductance that are important in assessing the analog performance of the device have also been formulated.The model results are validated by numerical simulation results obtained by using the commercially available ATLAS ™, a two dimensional device simulator from SILVACO.
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