
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiujunzhang
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爱因斯坦说过:“兴趣是学生最好的老师”,幼儿要学好绘画,培养其绘画兴趣是十分重要的。幼儿的绘画兴趣越高,观察和认识世界的能力越强,探索的欲望越强烈。我在绘画教学中,对幼儿绘画兴趣的培养,作了如下尝试: 一、组织实地观察,唤起绘画兴趣。观察能使幼儿扩大视野,丰富感性知识,熟悉物体的基本特征、结构关系及色彩。有一次画主题画:“美丽的富春江”,绘画前,我带幼儿观赏富春江畔的桐君山,并登高远望,那秀丽的群山,碧绿的江水,江面上点点帆影,远处的楼房、工厂、田园、村庄,尽收眼底。孩子们情不自禁地说,啊!家乡真美呀!参观后,让幼儿画“美丽的富春江”,他们个个积极性很高,喜笑颜开地一边回忆, Einstein said: “interest is the best teacher of students,” young children should learn to paint, develop their interest in painting is very important. The higher the children’s interest in painting, the stronger their ability to observe and recognize the world and the stronger the desire to explore. In the teaching of painting, I have tried to cultivate the interest of children’s painting as follows: First, organize the observation on the spot to arouse the interest in painting. Observation can enable children to expand their horizons, enrich the perceptual knowledge, familiar with the basic characteristics of objects, structural relationships and colors. Once I painted the theme painting: “Beautiful Fuchun River”. Before the painting, I took young children to admire Tongjunshan at the Fuchun River and climbed afar. The beautiful mountains, the green river, the sail on the river, The buildings, factories, pastoral villages, panoramic view. Children can not help but say, ah! Hometown really beautiful! After the visit, let the children draw “Beautiful Fuchun River”, they are all very enthusiastic and smile to memorize,
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