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福清,雅称“玉融”,1990年12月撤县建市,现辖20镇1街,市域总面积2430平方公里,人口120.2万,是全国首批综合改革试点县市、全国村镇建设试点县市和海峡两岸农业交流合作示范园区。 福清具有四大区域特色。首先是区位优越。福清地处海峡西岸繁荣带中部位置,东临台湾海峡,最近处与台湾新竹市仅距84海里,是福建省对台、对外合作交流的重要窗口。其次是侨力雄厚。福清的旅外华侨和新移民70多万人,遍布东南亚、欧美等73个国家和地区,且财力雄厚,拥有资产不下300亿美元。第三是资源丰富。福清山地面积102万亩,盛产枇杷、龙眼、荔枝等四时佳果;浅海滩涂92万亩,放养着多种海味珍品,农业综合开发前 Fuqing, elegant called “jade financial”, in December 1990 to withdraw the county to build the city, the jurisdiction of the 20 towns in 1 Street, the total area of ​​2430 square kilometers, population 1202000, is the first comprehensive reform pilot counties, the construction of the pilot counties City and across the Taiwan Strait agricultural exchange and cooperation demonstration zone. Fuqing has four major regional characteristics. The first is the superior location. Fuqing is located in the central part of the Taiwan Strait’s prosperity belt to the east and the Taiwan Strait to the east. It is just 84 nautical miles from the nearest city of Hsinchu, Taiwan, and is an important window for Fujian’s cooperation and exchange with Taiwan. The second is strong overseas Chinese. Fuqing’s overseas Chinese and new immigrants travel more than 700,000 people, covering 73 countries and regions in Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States, and financially rich, with assets of less than 30 billion U.S. dollars. The third is rich in resources. Fuqing mountain area 1020000 mus, rich in loquat, longan, lychee and other good four o’clock; shallow beach 92 acres, stocking a variety of seafood treasures, before the comprehensive development of agriculture
中财院四年正是谭纯喜人生观形成的时期,谭纯喜的身上是那一代大学生浓缩的背影 In the four years of the Financial Court, Tan Chun-hsi’s outlook on life was formed.
在未来的几年里,人们对于衣着打扮的要求日渐提高,珠宝美玉成了不可缺少的首选饰品。在国际珠宝玉饰品市场上,占主流地位的是镶宝饰品,其趋势是: 新潮一:宝石档次各显魅力。
刘源是刘少奇最小的一个儿子,现为武警总部副政委。现将《你所不知道的刘少奇》一书中刘源谈父亲生前的两个错误一节摘登如下: 说到刘少奇的错误,我认为,他一生中最大的错误
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一个学期的商务交流课程结束了 ,通过教—学—考过程来了解一些英式职业技术教育的特点 ,对我们来说是非常有启迪的。中英合作课程金融管理和商务管理的培养目标明确提出 :“
In order to do a good translation of business English,it is quite necessary to master some of its features.The paper dis-cusses three features of exactness,succ
回顾我国海外投资多年来的发 展历程,展望新世纪经济全 球化中的中国经济,我们认为,实施走出去战略的起点是尽快制定与我国国民经济发展相适应的海外投资的中长期目标,并辅之以符