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徽县公安局领导深深感到:治安案件发案范围广,数量多,是影响社会治安稳定的重要因素,也是群众感受社会治安好坏的重要方面。同时,因治安案件查处不力、查处不当,一些群众长期到有关部门上访、缠诉,影响了局部地区社会稳定。在充分认识到治安案件对社会安定的现实危害性后,县局党委大胆提出了大力查处治安案件、切实维护治安稳定的工作思路,从而找准了解决本地突出治安问题的症结所在,取得了明显的成效。徽县经验的启示:大力查处治安案件,可以有效预防和减少刑事案件,化解因各种民间纠纷引起的社会矛盾,强化公安基层基础工作,推动派出所改革不断深化,进一步密切警民关系,鼓舞群众积极参与维护社会治安,最终实现社会治安的根本好转。建议:统一思想,更新观念,把查处治安案件工作摆上重要议事日程;下决心纠正治安案件立案不实的问题;大力查处治安案件,把查处的数量搞上去;与有关部门一道调解民间纠纷,努力减少不安定因素;严格公正执法,确保办案质量。 Huixian Public Security Bureau leaders feel deeply that public security cases have a wide range of crimes and a large number of them. They are an important factor that affects the stability of social order and an important aspect of the masses’ feelings of social order. In the meantime, due to the inadequate investigation and punishment of public security cases and the improper investigation and handling, some people petitioned and petitioned the departments concerned for a long time, affecting the social stability in some areas. After fully realizing the reality harmfulness of public security cases to social stability, the county party committee boldly put forward the working train of thought in vigorously investigating and handling public security cases and earnestly maintaining the stability of public security so as to find out the crux of the problem of local public order prominence and made obvious achievements The effectiveness of Enlightenment from Huixian Experience: Vigorously investigating and handling public security cases can effectively prevent and reduce criminal cases, resolve social conflicts caused by various civil disputes, strengthen the basic work of public security at the grass-roots level, deepen the deepening of police station reform, further enhance the relationship between the police and the public, and encourage the masses Actively participate in the maintenance of social order and eventually realize the fundamental improvement of social order. Suggestions: to unify their thinking and to update their concepts, putting the work of investigating and handling public security cases on an important agenda; resolving to correct the problems of filing cases of public order and security; vigorously investigating and handling cases of law and order and increasing the number of investigations and prosecutions; mediating civil disputes with relevant departments, Strive to reduce the factors of instability; strictly and justly enforce the law and ensure the quality of handling cases.
二、古今推移与梦境觉醒 永遇乐 彭城夜宿燕子楼,梦盼盼,因作此词。明月如霜,好风如水,清景无限。曲港跳鱼,圆荷泻露,寂寞无人见。紞如三鼓,铿然一叶,黯黯梦云惊断。夜茫茫,
1资料与方法1.1临床资料全部病人均经头颅CT或MRI证实为左右侧基底节区脑梗塞 ,均为首次发病 ,不包括脑梗塞病例 ,均为发病后3d入院。按入院顺序随机分为两组。康复组52例 ,男32例 ,女20例 ,年
我院从 1995年至今采用SPR手术治疗 47例脑瘫患者 ,疗效满意 ,现将手术护士配合体会介绍如下 :1 临床资料本组 47例 ,男 30例 ,女 17例 ,平均年龄 9岁 ,体重 14~ 2 5kg。手术时间