Meeting someone alike遇见“自己”

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  1 When Jayce Crowder was in kindergarten, he noticed that he looked different from his classmates. They had two hands. But he had only one.
  2 It started when one boy teased him. Jayce was in a bad mood. He returned home in Des Moines, Iowa. “Why am I different? Why me? Why?” He was mad at looking so different from others, which really hurt him. His mother, Lewis anxiously didn t know how to provide answers to these questions.
  3 A few weeks later, Lewis turned on the TV to a news story about Trashaun Willis, an eighth grader. The boy, then 14, had become an Internet?鄄star after posting videos of his slam dunk(扣篮). Like Jayce, he was missing most of his left arm. Lewis called Jayce in. He was shocked, staring at one slam dunk after another.
  4 At the time, it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be an inspiring moment for Jayce—he d see a shining role model with a seemingly similar born disability. Luckily,a family friend had already reached out to the Des Moines Register, asking the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to encourage Jayce and build his confidence.
  5 A few days later, the good news that Trashaun accepted the invitation to meet Jayce came. Finally, the boys met at Washington Middle School on a Saturday afternoon. Several months later they instantly bonded. They rode bikes around the school s hallways, took photos, and played basketball together. Trashaun taught Jayce how to achieve slam dunks, even giving him a basketball as a gift. He told Jayce he was perfect the way he looked and encouraged him not to let anyone drag him down and shake his confidence.
  6 After the meeting, Jayce learned to accept his disability. He began to understand that there are many people like him and came to adapt himself to his disability. He practises shooting basketball every day and he really loves it. Jayce often chats with Trashaun on the Internet about basketball skills as well as some school issues. He is really motivated by this role model and has a positive attitude to his future life. As for Trashaun, he never dreamed that his videos would have such an impact. His relationship with Jayce made him look forward to helping more kids.
  Answer the following questions according to the narration.
  1. What was the matter with Jayce Crowder when he was in kindergarten? How did he feel at it?
  2. Did Jayce Crowder s mother know the answer to his confusion?
  3. Why was Jayce shocked when he saw the slam dunk of Trashaun Willis?
  4. Who asked the newspaper to help set up a meeting between Jayce and Trashaun? Why did he/she do that?
  5. Did Trashaun accept the invitation to meet Jayce? How did he get along with Jayce Crowder?
  6. What difference did the meeting make both on Jayce Crowder and Trashaun?
  7. What moral lesson is this narration likely to imply in your eyes?
  Write a summary of the narration with about 100 words. Your writing should include the main incidents of the story as well as its moral lesson.
【摘 要】  传统上,开放教育资源被定义为存在于公共领域或者根据开放许可协议发布允许他人不受限制或者受到有限限制免费获取、使用、改编和再分配的教育内容。然而,教育内容的性质随着新技术的出现而发生变化,开放教育资源的性质也随之发生变化。本文讨论四种主要技术对我们理解开放教育资源的影响,即云基础设施、开放数据、人工智能和内容寻址。文章认为,这些技术催生了一种动态和自适应的资源模式,这种资源按需创建,并
【摘 要】国家开放大学2004年启动实施的“一村一名大学生计划”是应用现代远程开放教育形式就地培养乡村振兴本土人才的先行探索。计划实施14年来,积累了丰富的培养乡村本土人才的经验,为我国新农村建设培养了一大批有文化、懂技术、会经营的农民创业致富带头人和政治素质高、有管理能力的农村基层干部,在带动地域经济发展、加强农村基层组织建设、推动乡风文明等方面发挥了积极作用,同时也向世界展现了培养乡村本土人才
【摘 要】  本文回顾了教育工作者和教育机构所研发的、旨在支持远程教育和校园教育的主要学习形式和结构。除了个人学习以外,有些学生、内容和系统非常重视交互,特别是师生交互、生生交互和学生与内容交互。本文还剖析了如何组织教育活动,尤其是支持社会学习的各种社会交互和结构。文章分别讨论了小组形式学习、网络形式学习和群组形式学习,并阐述了聚合体资源和算法是如何为提高多种形式在线学习质量而提供新的、非常有效的
【摘 要】 对翻转课堂进行本土化改造,真正把理论优势转化为实实在在的效果,把深度学习目标落到实处,是当前翻转课堂研究需要解决的关键问题。本研究主要从深度学习旨向出发,在充分吸收经典教学理论成果的基础上整合学习支架的认知协助机制和网络学习空间的泛在协同功能,构建了面向深度学习的翻转课堂一般过程模型。该模型包括三个阶段(课前初步掌握、课堂深度加工、课后巩固反思)和十个环节(注意与预期、激活原有知识、加
一項关于学生对网络教育态度的最新调查结果显示,在竞争日益激烈的教育市场中,学生对高等教育的期望越来越高。学生希望便捷地了解奖学金、助学金、学分转换等信息,能够在移动终端上查看所学课程并能在其上修改选课信息,同时期望获得大学的职业辅导服务。  这项调查发现:学生们意识到他们应该要求更高,23%的受访者表示希望在选择远程教育前接触更多的大学;移动设备正在发挥越来越重要的作用,80%的学生使用移动设备搜
【摘 要】  职场学习多数是以非正式学习而不是正式学习的形式进行。尽管严格从定义上讲,学习与发展专员无法对非正式学习进行设计,但是非正式学习仍然需要学习支持。数字内容的策展是一切学习和学习支持的重要组成部分。学习与发展专员正是通过把非正式学习与节支省时的内容策展结合在一起而更好地满足学习者个人应对日常学习挑战的需求的。  【关键词】 数字内容策展;学习与发展;职场学习;教学设计;非正式学习  【中
【摘 要】    随着教育信息化的不断推进,教育软件在学与教过程中的应用也越来越广泛。为考察教育软件对学习效果的影响,采用元分析研究方法,对十多年来国内外有关教育软件对学习效果影响的38项研究进行梳理、分析和评价。研究发现教育软件对学习效果的综合效应值为0.996,表明教育软件的应用对学生学习有积极的促进作用,提高了学生的学习效果。具体来说,教育软件的应用对学生认知方面的学业成绩、问题解决能力、
上了台,就都是自己的角儿。黑色中式夾克 Samuel Gui Yang:盘扣皮质夹克 Berluti 丝绸长裤 Loewe西装 Etro长裤 Pronounce分趾鞋 Maison Margiela印花西装 衬衫 长裤 均为 Gucci黑金色提花背心 黑色长裤 均为 Gar?on by G?ogcn针织毛衣背心 Loewe 丝绸长裤 Penmutimate 手镯 Sulus
Task 1