Low cross-talk, deep subwavelength plasmonic metal/insulator/metal waveguide intersections with broa

来源 :Photonics Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pollyzhang15
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We suggest a low cross-talk plasmonic cross-connector based on a metal/insulator/metal cavity and waveguides.We separately investigate the isolated cavity mode, the waveguide mode, and the combination of cavity and waveguide modes using a finite-different time-domain method. Due to resonant tunneling and the cutoff frequency of the odd waveguide mode, our proposed structure achieves a high throughput transmission ratio and eliminates cross-talk. Furthermore, the proposed structure has a broadband tunability of 587 nm, which can be achieved by modulating the cavity air gap thickness. This structure enables the miniaturization of photonic integrated circuits and sensing applications. We suggest a low cross-talk plasmonic cross-connector based on a metal / insulator / metal cavity and waveguides. We investigate investigate the isolated cavity mode, the waveguide mode, and the combination of cavity and waveguide modes using a finite-different time- domain method. Due to resonant tunneling and the cutoff frequency of the odd waveguide mode, our proposed structure achieves a high throughput transmission ratio and eliminates cross-talk. modulating the cavity air gap thickness. This structure enables the miniaturization of photonic integrated circuits and sensing applications.
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