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1 1月1 9日,央行行长周小川关于未来央行将基本退出常态式外汇市场干预的言论,导致当日人民币离岸价一度出现戏剧性走势。19日,周小川发表在官方出版物《十八届三中全会辅导读本》上的一篇署名文章如是表述,下一步“有序扩大人民币汇率浮动区间,增强人民币汇率双向浮动弹性,保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定。”周小川表示,未来央行基本退出常态式外汇市场干 On January 1, January 19, central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan’s remarks that the central bank will basically withdraw from the intervention of the normal foreign exchange market in the future resulted in a dramatic trend in the RMB fob on that day. On the 19th, Zhou Xiaochuan published a signed article on the official publication of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee saying that the next step is to “orderly expand the floating range of the RMB exchange rate, enhance the two-way floating flexibility of the RMB exchange rate and keep the renminbi Exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level of basic stability. ”Zhou Xiaochuan said that the future the central bank basically withdraw from the normal foreign exchange market dry
In order to study the distribution and evolution features of saline soil, the correlations between the groundwater depth, salinity and salinization of soil are
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