Ultrasound shear wave elastography and liver fibrosis: A Prospective Multicenter Study

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caojun3538073
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AIM To assess the accuracy of shear wave elastography(SWE) alone and in combination with aminotransferase platelet ratio index(APRI) score in the staging of liver fibrosis.METHODS A multicenter prospective study was conducted to assess the accuracy of SWE(medians) and APRI to predict biopsy results. The analysis focused on distinguishing the different stages of liver disease, namely, F0 from F1-4, F0-1 from F2-4, F0-2 from F3-4 and F0-3 from F4; F0-F1 from F2-F4 being of primary interest. The area under the receiver operating characteristic(AUROC) curve was computed using logistic regression model. The role of age, gender and steatosis was also assessed.RESULTS SWE alone accurately distinguished F0-1 from F2-4 with a high probability. The AUROC using SWE alone was 0.91 compared to 0.78 for using the APRI score alone.The APRI score, when used in conjunction with SWE, did not make a significant contribution to the AUROC. SWE and steatosis were the only significant predictors that differentiated F0-1 from F2-4 with an AUROC of 0.944.CONCLUSION Our study validates the use of SWE in the diagnosis and staging of liver fibrosis. Furthermore, the probability of a correct diagnosis is significantly enhanced with the addition of steatosis as a prognostic factor. AIM To assess the accuracy of shear wave elastography (SWE) alone and in combination with aminotransferase platelet ratio index (APRI) score in the staging of liver fibrosis. METHODS A multicenter prospective study was conducted to assess the accuracy of SWE (medians) and APRI to predict biopsy results. The analysis focused on distinguishing the different stages of liver disease, namely, F0 from F1-4, F0-1 from F2-4, F0-2 from F3-4 and F0-3 from F4; F0-F1 From F2-F4 being of primary interest. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was computed using logistic regression model. The role of age, gender and steatosis was also assessed .RESULTS SWE alone distinguished distinguished F0-1 from F2- 4 with a high probability. The AUROC using SWE alone was 0.91 compared to 0.78 for using the APRI score alone. The APRI score, when used in conjunction with SWE, did not make a significant contribution to the AUROC. SWE and steatosis were the only significant predictors that differe ntiated F0-1 from F2-4 with an AUROC of 0.944.CONCLUSION Our study validates the use of SWE in the diagnosis and staging of liver fibrosis. Furthermore, the probability of a correct diagnosis is significantly enhanced with the addition of steatosis as a prognostic factor.
介绍了山西运城盐化局MgSO4·H2O生产中干燥工艺改进的要点和效果,着重分析了高温鼓风机、补冷风口以及床层排风温度对系统改进的影响。 This paper introduces the main points and
σ~(32)是由 E.coli rPoH基因编码的分子量为32 kD的热应激蛋白转录调控因子。当热应激或其它应激反应发生时,它迅速激活热应激基因的启动子,大量转录其mRNA,合成热应激蛋白
“在那里,市民的自觉意识几乎渗透在生活的各个方面。”  对于中国人来说,北欧的几个国家是遥远而神秘的国度。除了每年瑞典的诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼总是引起世界范围的关注之外,那里奇异的风土人情,宁静的山川河流,尤其是它几百年以来的海盗文化,似乎都蒙着一层神秘的面纱。  但是,当踏上那片绿色安静的土地,当我们走进他们的生活,亲眼目睹了发生在那里的故事之后,我们不禁由衷赞美那片神秘的土地。因为,那里简直就是我们
前  言  在新世纪开初 ,欣逢《植物生理学通讯》创刊 5 0周年。本刊新组建的编委会决定循 4 0周年时的前例 ,也举行一次活动(包括出版“特辑”和召开座谈会 )。于是我们