Long-term impacts of land-use change on dynamics of tropical soil carbon and nitrogen pools

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l_chuanfei
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Land-use changes, especially the conversion of native forest vegetation to cropland and plantations in tropical region, can alter soil C and N pools and N availability for plant uptake. Deforestation, followed by shifting cultivation and establishment of rubber tree plantation, is a common land-use change in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. However the influence of this kind of land-use change on soil C and N dynamics in this region remains poorly understood. This study was conducted to assess the effects of land-use change on soil C and N pools. Soil samples were collected on five adjacent plots, which belong to three land-use types including secondary forest-an acuminate banana(Musa itinerans) secondary forest and a male bamboo(Dendrocalamus membranaceae) secondary forest, shifting cultivation, and rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis (H.B.K.) Muell. Arg.) plantation(one plot is 3-year-old, and another is 7-year-old). We measured soil bulk density (BD), pH value, moisture content and concentrations of soil organic carbon(SOC), total soil nitrogen(TSN), and inorganic N(NO - 3-N and NH + 4-N ) at 0—3, 3—20, 20—40 and 40—60 cm depths, and calculated C and N pools in 0—20, 20—40, 40—60, and 0—60 cm soil layers. Compared with the adjacent secondary forests, shifting cultivation and establishment of rubber tree plantations resulted in significant decline in concentrations and stocks of SOC and TSN in 0—20 and 0—60 cm soil layers, and increase in pH and bulk density at 0—3, 3—20, and 20—40 cm depths. Soil moisture content decreased only in 0—20 cm surface soils in shifting cultivation and plantations. The dynamics of mineral N was much more complex, which had different trends among depths and ecosystems. Compared with the secondary forests, SOC stocks in 0—20 cm surface soils in shifting cultivation and rubber tree plantations(3-year-old plantation and 7-year-old plantation) decreased by 34.0%, 33%, and 23%; and TSN stocks decreased by 32 2%, 20.4%, and 20.4%, respectively, whereas the decreases of SOC and TSN stocks in 0—60 cm soil layers were much less. The results indicated that C and N losses were mainly occurred in 0—20 cm surface soil, followed by 20—40 cm layer. Land-use changes, especially the conversion of native forest vegetation to cropland and plantations in tropical region, can alter soil C and N pools and N availability for plant uptake. Deforestation, followed by shifting cultivation and establishment of rubber tree plantation, is a common land-use change in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. However the influence of this kind of land-use change on soil C and N dynamics in this region remains poorly understood. This study was conducted to assess the effects of land-use change on soil C and N pools. Soil samples were collected on five adjacent plots, which belong to three land-use types including secondary forest-an acuminate banana (Musa itinerans) secondary forest and a male bamboo (Dendrocalamus membranaceae) secondary forest, shifting cultivation, and rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis (HBK) Muell. Arg.) plantation (one plot is 3-year-old and another is 7-year-old). We measured soil bulk density (BD), pH value, oncentrations of soil organic carbon (SOC), total soil nitrogen (TSN), and inorganic N (NO - 3 -N and NH + 4 -N) at 0-3, 3-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm depths Compared with the adjacent secondary forests, shifting cultivation and establishment of rubber tree plantations resulted in significant decline in concentrations and stocks of SOC and TSN in 0-20 and 0-60 cm soil layers, and increase in pH and bulk density at 0-3, 3-20, and 20-40 cm depths. Soil moisture content decreased only in 0-20 cm Surface soils in shifting cultivation and plantations. The dynamics of mineral N was much more complex, which had different trends among depths and ecosystems. Compared with the secondary forests, SOC stocks in 0-20 cm surface soils in shifting cultivation and rubber tree plantations ( 3-year-old plantation and 7-year-old plantation decreased by 34.0%, 33%, and 23%; and TSN stocks decreased by 32 2%, 20.4%, and 20.4%, respectively, while the decrease of SOC and TSN stocks in 0-60 cm soil layers were much less. The results indicated that C and Nzards were mainly occurred in 0-20 cm surface soil, followed by 20-40 cm layer.
李叔同何许人也?弘一法师何许人也?很多人对此都是茫然不知。但说起先生那首《送别》,却可以说是家喻户晓、妇孺皆知了。  长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天。  晚风拂柳笛声残,夕阳山外山。  天之涯,地之角,知交半零落。  一斛浊酒尽余欢,今宵别梦寒。  听!听!那缥缈的歌声又从远方传来,又在耳畔响起。酒壶已空,余欢将尽,惟剩苍凉别梦,其中还残留下多少回忆的温馨?该上路的终归要上路,该告别的终归要告别。