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浙江省三门县新场村位于县城城郊,又是大湖塘新区的重要组成部分。旧村改造前的新场村既脏又乱又差,这与大湖塘新区整体格格不入,既有损新区形象,而且村民也怨声载道。为从根本上改变老村庄面貌,响应省委、省政府提出的“千村示范,万村整治”和三门县委、县政府提出的“十村示范,百村整治”精神, 让群众有一个良好的生活环境,新场村的两位带头 Sanmen County, Zhejiang Province, the new village is located in the outskirts of the county seat, but also an important part of the Great Lakes Tong District. The new village before the renovation of the old village was both dirty and messy, which was not in accordance with the overall situation of the Dahu Tong New District. It not only damaged the image of the new district but also villagers complained. In order to fundamentally change the face of the old village, in response to the “demonstration of a thousand villages, remediation of ten thousand villages” proposed by the provincial party committee and the provincial government and the spirit of “ten village demonstrations and village remediation” proposed by Sanmen county government and county government, the masses should have a good Living environment, the new village two take the lead
福鼎市硖门至霞浦县牙城中巴客运票价,物委定价是2.5元,今年春运涨价最高限额是3元。而经营该路段的车队春运票价擅自提高至4 元,涨幅达60%,大大超过物委允许上涨20%的规定;而令
为贯彻落实“人才强省”战略,在全社会营造尊重劳动、崇尚技能、重视技能的良好社 会氛围,引导和激励广大职工学技术、练技能,走岗位成才之路,推动技能人才队伍建设。 2005
一、“平均”不等于“公平” 有人认为,收入水平相差越小,越接近平均,就越公平。其实,平均不等于公平。所谓公平,是人们对分配关系的一种知觉。公平可用一个等式表示为。其中
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本文着重讨论航空深弹主动声引信的信号选择及抗干扰措施。 This article focuses on the signal selection and anti-jamming measures of the active acoustic fuze for a
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摘 要  在小学语文课堂教学中,活跃的课堂气氛能有效提高教师的教学效率,很容易达到教学相长的目的。因此教师在课堂教学中,要充分发挥学生的主体作用,激发他们的学习语文的兴趣,调动学生学习语文的积极性,而教师只是做好教学的组织者、引导者,把课堂真正的还给学生。  【关键词】营造;语文教学;氛围  在语文课堂教学中,良好的语文课堂气氛能够营造一种具有特殊感染力的教育情境,能为教师顺利地进行语文教学创造积