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春节前夕,从素有“淮水走廊”之称的金湖县传来喜讯,国家“八五”期间治理淮河的骨干工程——淮河入江水道西堤和石港翻水站北堤加固工程已于1月29日顺利竣工。淮河入江水道改道段建于1969年,是淮河上游16万平方公里洪水的主要出路,关系着金湖和里下河数百万人民生命财产的安全。由于堤身承受的行洪能力远远没有达到设计标准,在去年的特大洪涝面前,西堤和北堤堤身低矮、单薄,已经岌岌可危。因此,加固入江水道西堤和北堤被确定为国家治淮的重点工程,上级有关部门还决定把施工任务,交给金湖县承担。去年12月5日,来自金湖10个乡镇的4万多民工,满怀“弘扬抗洪精神,争创国优工程”的豪情壮志进入工地,摆开了加固入江水道西堤和北堤的战场。为了争创国优,县长欣立忠与有关乡镇签订了“工程质量”专项责任 On the eve of the Spring Festival, good news came from Jinhu County, known as the “Huai River Corridor,” and the national key project of harnessing the Huaihe River during the Eighth Five-Year Plan January 29 was successfully completed. Built in 1969, the diversion section of the Huaihe River into the waterway is the main outlet of the 160,000-square-kilometer flood in the upper Huaihe River, which is responsible for the safety of the lives and property of millions of people in Jinhu and Lixiahe rivers. Due to the capacity of the embankment to withstand floods far from meeting design standards, in the wake of the catastrophic floods of last year, the embankments of Xidi and Beidi are low, thin and already in danger. Therefore, the reinforcement of the Xidi River and the North River embankment has been identified as a key project for national Huai River control, the higher authorities also decided to put the construction tasks to Jinhu County. Last December 5 last year, more than 40,000 migrant workers from 10 towns and villages in Jinhu came to the site full of pride of “promoting the spirit of fighting floods and striving for the construction of the excellent project.” They laid the battlefield to strengthen the embankments of the Xidi and Beidi Rivers in the river. In order to striving for excellence, Xinzhong County magistrate and the township signed a “project quality” special responsibility
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