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京津风沙源治理工程是为固土防沙、减少京津沙尘天气出台的一项针对京津周边地区土地沙化的治理措施。2000至2012年昌平区投资近5.4亿元,大力实施京津风沙源治理一期工程,其中完成封山育林62.8万亩、人工造林7.9万亩、爆破造林3.02万亩等,有效提高了辖区环境质量,进一步改善了辖区生态环境。根据区环保局统计,昌平区扬沙、浮尘天气由2000年的19天减少到2011年的9天;降尘由每月14.5吨/平方公里下降到6.5吨/平方公里。本文选取北京市昌平区为研究对象,通过对昌平区京津风沙源-林业工程实施情况的统计与分析,探讨工程产生的生态环境影响和工程实施过程中的问题。本文通过参考国内外研究成果,结合实际工作资料,确定昌平区京津风沙源工程生态环境影响内容。提出前期、中期、后期存在的问题。 Beijing and Tianjin sandstorm source management project is a control measure for sandification in the surrounding areas of Beijing and Tianjin for the purpose of preventing soil erosion and reducing the dust weather in Beijing and Tianjin. From 2000 to 2012, Changping District invested nearly 540 million yuan to vigorously implement the first-phase project of sandstorm source control in Beijing and Tianjin, of which 628,000 mu were for closing hillsides for afforestation, 79,000 mu for artificial afforestation and 30,200 mu for blasting and afforestation, effectively improving the environmental quality, Further improve the area of ​​ecological environment. According to the district Environmental Protection Bureau statistics, the dust in Changping District was reduced from 19 days in 2000 to 9 days in 2011; the dustfall dropped from 14.5 tons / km 2 to 6.5 tons / km 2. In this paper, Changping District of Beijing as the research object, through the Changping District, Beijing and Tianjin sandstorm source - forestry project statistics and analysis of the project to explore the ecological and environmental impact and project implementation process problems. In this paper, by reference to the research results at home and abroad, combined with the actual work of information to determine Changping District, Beijing and Tianjin sand source project ecological and environmental impact of the content. Put forward the pre-, mid-term and post-existing problems.
3年前,我有幸参加了实验喜剧训练营,这是加拿大亚伯达省的班夫中心一个为期两个月的驻留计划。艺术家迈克尔·波特诺伊(Michael Portnoy)、耶瓦·米谢维奇特(Ieva Miseviciut
本文从贸易逆差与储蓄和投资、经济全球化、国际资本流动三个方面的关系分析表明,贸易逆差不能成为保护主义的理由。 The analysis of the relationship between the trade
零售商品牌,在国外又称PB(Private Brand,自有品牌)、PL(Private Label,自有标签)和SB(Store Brand,店家商标),是指商业零售 Retailer brands, also known as PB (Private B