面对新问题 研究新对策——全国城市医疗保障制度研究协作委员会第一次会议综述

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1995年4月11日,在江苏省镇江市召开的全国城市医疗保障制度研究协作委员会第一次会议上,代表们对试点工作中遇到的问题及对策进行了研讨,现综述如下:一、目前按照党的十四届三中全会确立的建立社会统筹医疗基金与个人医疗帐户相结合医疗保险制度改革试点城市,在改革方案推行过程中普遍遇到了参保率不高、动员参保工作难做,尤其是一些亏损国有企业、私营、三资企业不愿参保,保险金滞缴,以及属地原则难以兑现等问题.对此,代表们认为,医疗保险具有鲜明的社会公益性,是社会保障 On April 11, 1995, at the first meeting of the Research Cooperation Committee of the National Urban Medical Insurance System held in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, the delegates discussed the problems and countermeasures encountered in the pilot work, which are summarized as follows: At present, in accordance with the establishment of a pilot city for the reform of the medical insurance system in conjunction with the establishment of a social pooling medical fund and an individual medical account established in the Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee, it is generally encountered in the implementation of the reform plan that the participation rate is not high and it is difficult to mobilize the insurance work. In particular, some loss-making state-owned enterprises, private and foreign-funded enterprises are reluctant to participate in insurance, the insurance payment is delayed, and the principle of territoriality is difficult to cash in. In response, the delegates believe that medical insurance has distinctive social public welfare and is a society. Protection
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